Liberty University Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


I would advice taking the college experience seriously while still being able to maintain a healthy social life. It is important to get homework and assignments done to the best of one's ability, but it is essential to keep in mind that everyone needs an outlet, if you always work and study without finding time for yourself it is easy to get stressed out, anxious and depressed. I would also advice getting to know and develop relationships with the professors because you will need them in order to be successful in the various courses. Call home often because a lot of students leave for college and forget to remain in close contact with their families, who tend to worry if they have not heard from their children after a long period of time. I would also advice trying new things and putting yourself in situations you would not normally try because if you do not, you will miss out on many amazing opportunities, it also helps in meeting new people, challenging yourself and building character. Above all else reflect of things to improve at the end of every semester, be proud of your accomplishments and learn from your mistakes.


Take as many CLEP tests as possbile. Entry level classes are tedious and easy to test out of. Don't spend all your money in your first semester. It's very exciting and you will want to go out with friends all the time, but it runs out quicker than you think.


The only advice that I would give myself and others would be to save my money and use it wisely, as well as buckle down and do your homework, it is fast, easy, and so much more rewarding when you complete it on time.


Give more importance to your GPA, epecially if you what to do Pre-med.


I would tell myself that college is a lot different than high school. Give yourself more time to study, do your homework and actually realize what you are learning. The material you are going to learn will stay with you for the rest of your life, it is not only your major in college but it is your future. Do not let time pass by while partying or trying to be in a relationship; college is going to be a vital part of your life that you need to take seriously. Talk to your professors, let them know your situations and struggles with the work and they will help you to succeed. Do not try and work forty hours a week if you cannot handle it, college should be your first priority because this is your future. Enjoy this time however, because after college, a career and your future is awaiting you.


If I could go back to my senior year in high school and give myself some advice, the first thing I would tell myself is, to tell my friends that I couldn?t hang out today because I had to write essays so I could turn them in and start competing for a scholarships. I would tell myself not to give in looking for scholarships in the internet and to ask around if I needed to. I would probably have told myself to look into Liberty University?s financial plan and how the payments would work out, if they offered any special scholarships, and if there were scholarships how could I get them and what would improve my chances. But one last thing that I would have told myself would be to sit with my teachers and talk to them about their college life and what I should prepare for and things that I shouldn?t worry about, I think that would have made a difference.


Reasoning to myself at that time would be difficult, but I would stress good study habits and finding a focused path for college but to mostly make plans and schedules to get things done. That young and naive man from a few years ago walked onto campus with the same studying techniques that made High School flow by ever so smoothly was not prepared for the all-nighters he would pull. While the learning curve was steep and treacherous it was nothing compared to the unnecessarily dark path affectionately known as his future. Young Thomas Scott was under the common misconception that choosing a major was not essential in your first or second year at one?s university. While waiting until year three is not a bad thing, it is not wise to neglect even thinking about your career path up to that point. He could have easily solved both of these problems by making plans and seeing them through to the goal. That young man would have finished his papers on time, thought more thoroughly about his career-path earlier, and eliminated the majority of the stress most find in the average college lifestyle.


I would give my self the advice of relaxing more and taking time meditate on heplful things.


it will be easy at first but it will get a lot harder your second year so dont screw around too much.


Time Management. College is a high level of education where ones future mostly depends. For one to be potent in future, there has to be a total commitment of oneself. As a high school senior knowing what I know now about college life and making the transition, I will advice myself to learn how to manage my time efficiently. Knowing how to manage my time as a college student will not only help me as a student but it will also help me in future as an employee, leader and as a mother managing a home. During my first semester on campus, I became so stranded and overwhelmed with school work and other activities on campus until I attended the first workshop on campus entitled "Time Management." This program helped me alot to be more productive in all aspect of my life. If I had known how to manage my time more virtuously, I would have been more successful especially in my academics than I am today. Time management is very vital to any individual who want to be successful in life. As a high school senior if I am to advice myself, time management will be my first advice.


If I could talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to apply for as many scholarships as possible. When I was a senior I failed to forsee the cost of attending the University I was going to, and I regret not making the deadline for many scholarships. I would also have tried to take an Advanced Placement class in high school to try and get college credits. It would have been great if I had gotten some college credits out of the way, so I could have taken other classes as a minor.


I would have told myself to take every available opportunity presented. I would have told myself to read books a lot more - ones that do not just pertain to school- often and play less video games. I would also push myself to study harder and put more time into my school work and grades so I would do better on my SAT scores. Most importantly, I would have worked harder to get scholarships and more money for school earlier on.


If I could talk to myself as a senior, I'd have three pieces of advice: Don't worry! Don't be shy! and Challenge yourself. I'd first tell myself not to worry about the classes being too hard, or not liking my roommate, or be fearful of getting lost on the first day of classes. Finish strong academically Senior year, and don't goof off. Liking your new roommate is going to take time, and it's ok if you two don't become joined at the hip because you'll meet so many other friends. Just make sure to help buy groceries and replace the shower curtain every once in awhile to keep the relationship on a good note! Also, everyone gets lost on the first day, especially on a big campus, even if you find all of the rooms ahead of time. Another thing: Don't be shy! You won't make friends if you shut yourself up in your room and focus entirely on academics! Get out there. Meet people. Finally, Challenge yourself. Don't be the same person you were in high school. BORING! Try new things. Get out there, grow and explore!


You have now reached that point in your life where every single decision that you make will have a serious impact on your future. It is very important to understand, now is not the time to assert your newly acquired "grown up" status. Even though you have reached a level of maturity where you can make your own decisions and be your own boss, it is important that you maintain the same discipline that was required of you throughout your grade school and high school years. We have a tendency to get impatient at this point in our lives. We want to be on the fast track to earning our own money and buying our own place. In time, you will not have a choice about having these responsibilities. Take full advantage of this time and of this place in your life. Dedicate your energy to learning and acquiring as much knowledge as you can. College life can be exciting and fun. You do have more freedom and flexibility than you have ever had concerning class schedules and attendance. Be wise about your use of time and money. Be balanced and you will not have any regrets.


Take more college preparatory classes. Take more surverys to know yourself and what you would like to do for the rest of your life or for a career. Remember that discipline is very important in order to get anything great done in life. You will not have someone over your shoulder watching everything you do like in high-school, so be self-disciplined, otherwise you will find yourself slipping into doing nothing at all which will lead into failing everything. Friends are fun and social life is important but your education is even more important. Keep your priorities straight!


Apply yourself to all that you do, and work with enthusiasm to study hard and work diligently it will pay off in the end


College is completely different from anything you are ever going to experience. You will make new friends, be expected to study, and have practically no rules restraining you. While most of this sounds fun it is also a real challenge. When you first arrive it will be easy to make friends because everyone is in the same situation as you. They want to meet new people too. When it comes to going to class, no one is going to force you to go. You have to realize that it is your responsibility to attend classes regularly and you are actually wasting money if you do not. Sleep is important! It is impossible to function properly when you are in sleep debt. You really need your eight hours. While I can try and warn you of all the individual problems and difficulties you might face, the most important thing is that you bring an attitude of learning. Not just for the classroom but in terms of everything. You will undoubtedly make mistakes. What you do after them is what is important. Will you learn from them and make correction or, continue making them time and time again?


College is a great experience, you are finally on your own but with that comes responsabilty to yourself. You can make the experience whatever you want but it is you who needs to take the time to learn all you can. Make sure the major you pick is the right one if you are not sure check out the ones you are interested in in the first few years you are there while you are gettingh your required classes in . Ask lots of questions, talk to te professors, grad students, other students in that major. It is important to be happy with where you want to go. Get involved don't just hide in your room. Don't stress out, we naturally make things harder then they have to be. One key thing is to stay orgenized, you should be proud of who you are and where you are going. It is a great accomplishment to get this far and with college you really can do anything. SO GO FOR IT. BE PROUD YOU ARE GOING TO FINISH AND GRADUATE. Be excited and stay away from bad influences that can get you off track.


I would look for more scholarships and pay attention more in class.


You are investing in the rest of your life. You are laying a foundation that determines the structure where you will live, work and play. Consider carefully each stone that you lay and enjoy the process. Make good lifetime friends and hold on to all of the wisdom that you can wrest from the experience. You will only pass this way once and this path is worth all of your attention. Pursue until you achieve and keep your achievements like a treasure for use later. With all that you do, invest all of your heart!


The first piece of advice I would give myself is to acquire as many college credits as possible at a community college before going to a university. It saves a lot of money and prepares you for the difficulty and stresses of having a college workload. It is invaluable to have experience in college level courses, so that once you transfer to a university you are not as shocked with the workload while you are faced with the equally formidable challenge of adjusting to college life in a dorm, where distractions abound. Also, by transferring from a community college you will be a higher classman when you arrive at a university, giving you more advantages and enabling you to skip the freshman introductory courses. The second piece of advice that I would give myself is to make as many friends as possible as soon as possible. It really helps you through your courses when you have friends that you can have fun with and confide in at the end of the school day. You only have this experience once, and it is important to make the best of it with good friends and participation in school events and activities.


I would advise my senior self to spend way less time on social aspects and random extra curricular activities and focus on the academics. I would also advice myself to stop procrastinating. The habbits that you form in high school will definitely follow you and probably worsen when you get to college. Lastly, I would advise myself to save every penny that I earned.


I would tell myself to complete college while I was still young. It's much harder to go back after raising a family and try to be a student again!


Work on scholarships and understand how the school works before you get there. Check everywhere to make sure everything is ready to get going so it's not all rushed together the first couple days you are there. And finally, work to get some money for food.


I would give myself advice on how to deal with stress, time management, and girls. Coming from homeschooled environement the stress of dealing with many different people, and going to classes is different than learning at home. I would tell myself that PRaying and studying my Bible is one of the best ways to deal. Time management would be up there as well, struggling in classes is due to time management and not staying on track with when test dates are due. And I would teach myself how to deal with people, more girls in particular, teach myself that not every girl is interested indating myself.


If I could go back in time and give advice to myself on going off to college I would tell myself to relax. There is no reason to be nervous. Even though you might be going far away from home, you are about to enter the best part of your life so far. There are lots of other incoming freshman and all of them feel just like you. The upperclassmen and faculty are very helpful in helping incoming freshman adapt to the college life. At Liberty University there is always a lot going on and it is easy to get involved in whatever it is you want to do. Also I would tell myself to start practicing good study skills and to not slack off on my studies in the first semester of college. Once you dig yourself a whole it is hard to get out of it. All you need to do is balance out your time to study and your freetime. If you put effort into your studies right off the bat it will payoff and will save yourself a lot of stress and extra work getting your GPA back up. So start off strong!


Victoria, Even though you desired to learn, at that time teachers and society were more about discipline instead of desiring to see the students make it, I would now say; it was best you hung in. It was time of turmoil in American as a whole with drugs, sex and parties yet, we in society today are still trying to defeat the disciplinarian attitude so no matter what, you stay tolerant of people, extend your hands and open your mouth to encourage.


My advise for myself would be to enjoy every minute of high school and to not rush things, to not take any oportunities for granted because you never know where life's going to take you. "What you have today, you may not have tomorrow and what you don't have today tomorrow may come." Patience and perseverance, that's the key to succes.


I would tel myself to study harder and take more AP classes. I would tell myself to diversify myself by joining more clubs, instead of being a social outcast.


The advice I would have gave myself is once i begin school do everything in my power to keep me there being out of school for a semester i understand how important school is and compared to being a high school student and being a independent adult is a life change.Take the oppurtunity before steeping out on your own and see all the things parents have to worry about and realize being a kid and going to school is the easy part taking what you have learned and applying it is hardder than one may think.


I am going to Liberty to improve myself with education and I need this Scholarship to have a countless worry school year.


Take AP classes and get the highest GPA possible.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior the first thing I would tell myself is to take more AP courses, and take full advantage of the opportunity to do so. If I would have taken more AP courses in high school, as opposed to the one that I took, I would have had many of my general education courses out of the way and been able to take more of the courses I actually enjoy. Additionally, I would tell myself to take full advantage of the extremely short time I will have at college. I regret not being more involved on campus and meeting more people. Although I have met many amazing people at school I wish I had not been such a hermit. I always told myself I had plenty of time to go out and meet people, but I spent a lot of time alone in my room. Now that I am almost graduated I have come to realize this was the best time of my life and I have wasted much of it.


If I knew what I know about college when I was a senior I would make sure I know how to study really good when it comes to tests, make note cards for studying because they are really helpful. Take my time and don't rush and stress myself. Just relax and pray and let God take in control.


Going back in time I would make sure to tell myself that it can be lonely at college. So often going through the day your friends schedules don't align so there is often time where you have no one immmediately to go and spend time with. Be confident in yourself and know that you can do this. Finances are going to be tough in college, but you have to truly learn how to trust in God so that even when it comes down to needing a couple thousand to make the next payment, you will still know that God is a God who can and will provide in His timing and His means. Now, this might mean that it takes you scraping what you can together and doing what you can to make ends meet. Get in Exercise! After playing soccer through high school and then getting up to college and doing no exercise, you really will learn what the Freshmen 15 is all about! Stay active and eat healthy! It can be done in college!. And enjoy it!! College is awesome and such a great experience!


I would tell myself that, while there are advantages and disadvantages to every decision that I can make, I need to remember one important point.: God is in control. I know that you will be debating whether you should go to college or not, and that the choice is not going to come quickly or easily. Do not worry about the timing; God is in control. You can choose to take some time off from school, and God can use that time. Or you can go immediately, and God can use that time as well. Let all your time be in God's hands, and you cannot go wrong. If you choose to wait, you will miss certain people and certain events. Don't regret that time, but be thankful for the things you do during that time and for the opportunities you will have later. You can plan your course, but God directs your steps. You will meet whom God wants you to meet. He will make all your appointments, so don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry for itself, sufficient for the day is it's own troubles.


Be open and just let the Lord change you; don't be stubborn and try to do things your way.


Looking back now and the financial stuggles I'm facing, I would have saved more of my income from my high school jobs.


If I were able to go back in time and talk to myself as a hightschool senior, I would give myself one piece of advice. This advice would have saved time, money, and headaches. Simply put, I would tell myself to research the CLEP test process at Liberty University. Being able to Clep out of all of the required courses would have been very convenient. I would have been able to accelerate my degree program by a year. This would have allowed me the financial freedom to consider moving on to biggern and better things in my life including getting married. I am currently a senior and I still have yet another semester to go. I would love to be done with my degree and married to my highschool sweetheart.


Save as much money as possible and do not let senioritis get to you! Start preparing now by doing all the reading and assignments in classes thoroughly. Apply for more scholarships.


Never left someone over rule you.


To always stay ahead of your class work and to make a set scedule


Being where I am now in my educational life I'd have a lot of suggestions for myself as a high school senior. Here are several things I would say if I was to give advice to myself. Be prepared for college ahead of time don't wait til the last minute, don't loose sight of your vision, don't be scared or pessimistic, reach high and you will achieve your goals, don't limit yourself because you're unsure just step out in faith and you'll be fine, and last but not least be an overcomer!


When I look at my college life since I graduated high school, there are some things I wish I could have done a little different. Also, there is something that worked for me. The advice I would give myself is to take AP Calculus and Physics in high school, and going to community college for a couple years is a good thing. I did not realize I would need calculus II for my biology degree, so I wish I would have taken AP Calculus because that would have given me the credits for calculus in college. Then I could graduate a little faster, and I would be taking a class I like now. Also, Physics is a class I should have taken in high school, because I would understand it better when taking it in college. Next semester, I am taking physics, but I wish I knew more about it before taking it. Community College was a good idea for the first couple years after graduating high school because I was able to save money there, spend more time with my family, and was able to get a decent job.


I would tell myself that college is not easy, but you can survive and do well. The key to succes during the next 4 years is to be focused in your studys but also enjoy the time in between. Don't take the work load to seriously. If you get a bad grade it is not the end of the world, there will be another test in which you work twice as hard to get a better grade. So enjoy the time, have fun with freinds, and do your best, becuase the future looks bright.


"Brandon, college is going to be challenging so you really need to strive to do your best in your classes now and truly learn the information, not just get a good grade. School may not always be fun but it will help you develop as you mature and become an adult. School isn't just something to get through, you need to approach your classes knowing that they will prepare you for the classes and come. Ultimately your classes will prepare and equip you to succeed in life by working hard in whatever vocation you enter into. Life is full of work, so don't try and skip out on the 'hard stuff' now. Every little bit of school work will help you grow and be able to carry the next load of work presented to you. Once you understand this principle, you will be able to run with any load given you, no matter how large, and be free to conquer any 'mountain' you wish to climb."


Visit the schools your looking at, take part in some of the activities, and you will see how well you fit in. If you put the time into your classes you will do well.


Going away to college is not an easy task. When I went away to college I did not know anybody at the school. Getting involved is one of the easist things that a person can do to get to know people. Clubs on campus are an easy way to meet people that have the same interests and values as you. Also, it would be a good idea to have a checklist of the things you need before you go. As you pack, check off what you have. Having a checklist will ensure that you do not leave home without something important. It will make the transition easier knowing that you have everything before you start.


Make sure that you learn to study and focus on your school wark. Although high school was easy for you, do not get full of your own worth and think that college will be the same way. College is hard. It is different from anything that you have ever experienced. You will be treated like an adult and no one will be there to coddle you when things do not go the way you would like them to go. However, on the positive side, you are going to learn so much and make friends that will last for a life time.


The advice that I would give myself would be trust in God. College is basically high schoool on steroids. The best advice that would benefit myself, if I had one back in time, would be relying on something larger than myself because there are many activities, struggles internally and externally, schoolwork, and networking that distract a student that an individual becomes stressed. Instead, of partying or becoming involved in something that could effect an individual negatively, turning to God and doing positive activities He has provided can release this stress. I would tell myself that staying strong in my beliefs would be everything that I would need when I would get into college.