Liberty University Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


I would definitely have decided on a different major, perhaps not the direction I'm going in now with Finacial Planning, but I would have chosen something besides music performance and audio engineering. These areas are extremely fulfilling to my personal interests, but in the area that we live, it is very difficult to find gainful employment. I've discovered that to truly be fulfilled and successful in the career realm one needs to search for a career in which one can thrive because they enjoy what they are doing each day, are highly skilled in the area, and can earn a respectable income in the area. Though I am highly skilled in the career areas I chose, I wish I could go back and choose a degree that would lead to an career that easier to build wealth and that I found more fulfilling.


It would be along the lines of study habbits and time mangmnet. Also startmyself on a good track to make money because college does cost alot.


If I had the opportunity to go back in time, I would tell my high school senior self to take college seriously as my future actually does depend on my successes and motivation over the next few years of my life. I would also tell myself not to take the opinions of others so seriously and instead to look within myself to find happiness with every situation I find myself in and to stay community-focused because happiness comes best when you are bringing happiness to others.


"You can't tell your younger self anything.....because you wouldn't listen." The last four years is not how I planned my life. As a senior I was in the top 25{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of my class and headed to Vet school in my mind. I failed more than 1 course at college and nearly gave up. Then I had my son and he inspired me to be the person and mother I've always wanted to be. Listen to heart is what I'd say to my younger self. Don't take Math/Bio/Chem/History all in the first semester. The transition was so hard on me and it didn't help that my college's advisor said to take them all so I can work on my major. The first day of Biology my teacher came in and said 99{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of you will fail my class and give up on Med school. Seek wisdom, ask so many questions and keep yourself focused, because this was by far the easiest part of your life. I'm going back to school so I can grow as a person and provide for my son.


SAVE MONEY!!! College itself is expensive but living at college is too! You will always underestiamte just how much money you spend on a regular basis so don't expect that just saving "enough" is enough. Also, when applying for a job don't be passive check in and see if they've looked over your application and let them know that you're willing to work. Lastly don't be afraid to reach out and make friends. The other people around you need you as much as they need you.


I know that the one thing I would make sure I told myself as a senior, is to try. Try to get the best grades I could get. I don't know if I just didn't listen to my guidance counselors or if they didn't do a good job of stressing the idea of getting good grades. Maybe I just didn't think about it like I should, but I definitely did not try my hardest and I know for a fact that I could have done so much better my senior year than I did. I wish I just took my school work more seriously, because your grades really do matter and it is so worth it to have good grades. It is my one big regret, and realizing that it could have costed you a scholarship is hard to realize.


There are three big things that I would tell the high school me if I could go back in time. First I would tell myself that college is a lot faster paced than high school. Even though I could procrastinate in high school and put off work, it is much harder to do in college and will ultimately make you GPA suffer. Secondly, I would tell myself to take AP classes more seriously. When I took them in high school I really did not expect them to be a good reflection of what college classes were like. I was dead wrong. The amount of reading you have to do in college far exceeds the amount you do in high school. Everyone says this but you never really take their word for it. AP classes turned out to be great preporation for college. Lastly, I would tell myself to take Calc in high school, because I struggled with it in college. Take advantage of the slower pace in high school and establish a good foundation in the class in order to do better in college.


Get the best GPA possibly because it really does mater and work hard.


I would tell myself to remain more calm when it came to moving everything and also to stop trying to grow up so fast because there is moments that pass by and I completely missed them because I was moving too fast.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself to ask a lot of questions, join more clubs and volunteer and be more proactive in looking for scholarships. I would tell myself to not be afraid to go out there and try new things. Although I wouldn't change anything for where I am right now would would tell myself to try harder in looking for a job and don't be picky, If McDonald is hiring work there, if any fast food restaurnt is hiring apply, because that is money that could help in the long run.


Assuming I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would emphasize the importance of knowing the field you are going to choose. Choosing a college career from the start that is in a field you love to work in, makes many things more efficient. In addition, the classes you will take will be much more interesting; as opposed to choosing an educational path which you will change later on because you found out the field was not a right fit.


Hey there, former me. I bet you're all wrapped up in nostalgia; consuming yourself with thoughts about prom, yearbooks, graduation, and summer. While college is so close, I bet it feels pretty far away. Like, LU is literally 700 miles away. You can't even begin to fathom what's ahead of you in the next couple of months. However, I think you should know that this freshman year will contain the best times of your life. You're going to meet so many interesting people, develop deep friendships, and change A LOT as a person. Do you want to know the secret to having an amazing time? Don't be shy. Step out of your comfort zone and talk to people; some of your most rewarding friendship are going to be formed spontaneously. Don't be scared of your dreams! You'll change your major after your first semester, and have countless thoughts about changing it again. For the first time in a while, you'll truly enjoy learning. Education will change from something that you feel like you have to do, to something that you yearn for. You're going to love it.


I would go up to my past self and tell her not to be afraid of leaving home and going off the college. I was terrified of leaving all my family, friends and the small town that I have lived in my whole life to go off to one of the largest colleges in the US. I would tell her to be brave and at peace because she would make friends that will love her and give her encouragment and turn out to be some of the closest friends she has every made. I would also tell her to apply for as many scholarships as she possibly can so she dosnt have to acquire so much debt and not have to deal with the continued stress of it. I would also advise her to put more money in savings to help last her through the year. Then last but not least, I would tell her to appreciate the family she has and let them know how much she loves them and know that she is very blessed to have them because I know now that life won't ever be the same as it was before.


Becoming a senior was the most exciting time it helped prepare me for colleges and graduation. If I could go back I would tell myself that your education is very important , the grades count towards scholarships. There are all kinds of scholarships that are for students with high GPA. Coming from a family that could not afford schools. Scholarships really help so you may pursue a career. The teachers that push are there to prepare you for the real world. The goofing off and being disrespectful, does not get you too far. Guidance counselors help prepare you for school so you may not be lost trying to find yourself when it comes to going to college. Essay and researches are different from high school. You have to be serious and responsible to be successful in college. Your GPA counts more than ever, you have to pass the classes because finincial aid depends on you academic performance. When it seems hard dont give up. There are resources out there to better prepare you, if you need tutoring dont be afraid to go for it. Look for jobs while you are in school, apply for interships so you may have a job.


As a high school senior I fell into the trap that many seniors do. I had the attitude of, “let me make my senior year the easiest!” Just weeks into my freshman year of college I quickly realized that I had made a huge mistake. By making my final year a breeze, I became lazy, which became something I had to battle for the bigger portion of the year. I began to fall behind, and found myself working twice as hard as I needed to. It became increasingly difficult to juggle my social, and academic life. If I could go back and tell myself one thing, it would be, “Do not get lazy! Prepare yourself because laziness is something almost impossible to overcome.” Simply doing the work as it comes, and trying your best can make your first year so much better.


Hey Kelsey, you're in high school right now. You need to realize this because I now see the importance of both high school and college. I know you think that it is pointless, but it's not. You will come across so many people who have different beliefs and worldviews than you, and when you are able to relate to them on their level, you will make a stronger impact. Think about historians, scientists, musicians, people who are in the media, and many more. You can learn SO much in high school and especially college about various topics like these. Take advantage of that opportunity and the time that you have now in high school to learn all that you can. Try your hardest and don't just go through the motions, but really try to study and learn and get something out of the classes that you take. Good grades are important, but knowledge is just as important, if not more. Be excellent in all that you do because it will be worth it! Do not grow lazy or let your grades go, but continue pressing in.


If I could go back in time and give advice to myself as a high school senior, I would have many things to say. First and foremost, I would tell myself to let my heart be my guide. Choosing a career based on practicality or salary might seem good at the time, but if you cannot endure the classes necessary for that degree, you probably won't enjoy the job. Second, I would tell myself to calm down. Not everything is as big of a deal as it seems to be. Third, I would tell myself to care more. The transition is not a piece of cake, so I would suggest starting to prepare for dorm life a little earlier than I did. Fourth, I would tell myself to talk to my roommates more before move in day. Turns out, they are great people. I could have had the privilege of their friendship a lot earlier. Lastly, I would tell myself to enjoy my last summer as a kid. Overall, life moves too fast to waste the seasons we are given. Savor every moment.


I would have started sooner and not wasted so much time procrastenating. Take full advantage of all the wonderful things college has to offer and don't be afraid to go after what you want to do. Make new friends because some stick with you the rest of your life. Have no regrets, don't wish you had done something and don't be afraid to convey your thoughts. There is so much college has to offer and you have your whole life to take reap the benefits of that experience and pass it along to your children.


I would suggest to all Seniors to look at taking college classes simultaneously, as it will give you a better understanding of the college atmosphere. Taking classes such as English 101, English 102, College Algebra, etc. will allow the time to focus on degree core subjects, along with grasping the expectations of college professors vs. high school teachers. I would also recommend to all Juniors to start the scholarship and college investigation process to allow them the opportunity to visit the campuses, talk with counselors, and find the right match for their academic success in their desired career field. I would also recommend to others and myself, if you are not sure to seriously look at a Junior College as it will give you that opportunity to build confidence, determine if college really is the right path, and reduce overall expenses. All Seniors need to review and study for the SAT testing as the individual scores are as important as the overall score when seeking academic scholarships. Finally, I would tell anyone who asks never give up on your dreams.


Smile more kiddo, life isn't so bad...just remember to keep your head high no matter the circumstances. Make sure to be friendly even as those who aren't are all around. Most of everything about college you already know, but don't forget to make a schedule for yourself or perhaps a planner of sorts so you don't forget your assignments. Try to be a little more organized so you don't become overwhelmed and flustered with the work ahead of you, keep pushing and happiness is just an arms length away. Fury may feel good, but try to see that it's counterproductive and sidetracks what you're doing. Stay focused and press on soldier, victory is in sight but the fight isn't over, nor has the darkest hour passed. Know you can do it, own it, and never doubt yourself.


I would tell myself to "not be afraid of trying new things, and that you are on the right path. Just keep working hard, stay firm with your values and socialize with people who will build you up as well as those whom you have something to offer."


I would tell myself that change is a good thing, embrace all that comes your way and move with the flow. In the end it will all pay off and I will be out of debt soon if, I just go with the flow. All life is, is a BIG changing process.


A high school senior needs to develop abilities in communication and social skills. Can you easily meet new people and get along with them? If not, building these skills will enable you to introduce yourself to others and start building friendships. Having friends will ease the anxiety in college and give you someone to share your challenges with. While in high-school, getting involved in extra-curricular activities and volunteering are great ways to increase these skills. Learning to take responsibility for yourself will greatly ease your transition into college. Do you wake-up on your own, turn in all assignments on time, and ask for assistance when needed? In college you are held responsible for everything you do. No one else can get you to class on time, do your assignments, or prepare you for your future career. Transitioning to college is easier if you can effectively communicate and have great social skills. By being responsible in high school you will build experience in being in control of your life. Your success in college is totally determined by the effort you put into it to succeed. You will ease your transition into college by preparing ahead of time!


As a high school senior, I would look at what my stregnths and interest are and pray about what field of work God was directing me in. Then, I would seek guidance from God in what college I would be In deciding on a college, I would pick three and do research by talikng with my teachers, visiting, and online reviews. After picking the top three, I would take a tour of each campus and talk with professors and students. During this time, I would work on making A's and B's and maintaining a GPA of 3.5 or higher. Furthermore, I would apply for scholarships, grants, and any other source of money to help fund my college. On campus, work study is provided to help assist in paying for college, so I would consider it an option if needed. If I had to do work study or find a job off campus, I would make a plan for classes and time for studying. Also, I would make out a plan for college in what I wanted to take each year, and then in my senior year look into doing work in my field of study.


The most important decision I made in high school was taking AP classes. Those classes prepare you for handling collgeg level courses with ease. Time management can also be learned at the high school level by getting involve with your church, school activities or a job. Going to your high school classes and returning home to be idle does not help you adjust to college life of Job, classes, and studying. Many student share stories of their large school debt that they will be facing upon graduation. I worked summers since my sophomore year in high school, and have a job at college . One thinhg iI should have added to my schedule is searching scholarships my senior year in high school to the present. I now have set one day a week to explore scholarships as another avenue to finacial aid. Another way I have tried to get financial aid is writing letters to businesses in my area asking if they have scholarship money. Lastly really look at the finacial packages the schools offer and pick a school that is affortable. Avoid loan debt that will not be attainable with the degree you have earned.


Taylor, that unlimited freedom you’re looking forward to will sometimes feel overwhelming, but it’s your passage to adulthood. With freedom comes choices, and making the right choices is the key to a successful future. Choose friends cautiously. They’ll be one of your greatest college influences. Opt for alertness in class over long nights playing X-Box. Your transcript has more power than your Call of Duty score. Drugs, alcohol, and wild parties make funny Hollywood movies, but they don’t make a college graduate. Take your time declaring a major. Even if you change your major multiple times, the only mistake is living the rest of your life with a bad decision. You not only want to be good at your career; you also want to be passionate about it 40 years from now. While parents and teachers may mean well, their dreams are not necessarily yours. It’s your career, so plot your own path. However, ask for help when you need it. Meet with a counselor when you fall behind in a subject. Reach out to family and friends when you’re discouraged or lonely. Wrap your freedom in the wisdom of those you trust.


If I could go back in time with the knowledge I have about college now, I would definitely change a couple things. The first thing that I would work on is my homework habits. I realized in my first semester of college that doing homework is more important than I thought it was. In my high school, I had a different curriculum and I never really had much homework to do so my habits need a little more tweaking. Also, I would have joined many clubs in trying to help the environment and join more competitions. I believe that just having knowledge and learning from joining clubs would help me be more social in college. Not only that, but I would have more experience in working with people which leads to being more involved in my college. Lastly, I would apply to more jobs. I have been working since my high school freshman year, but I was only working little jobs like babysitting, student aid, etc. I truly believe that starting work at a young age helps someone develop good working ethic, which is important in college and future life.


My advice to my high school self would be: "Take the opportunities that are presented to you. Life is not easy and it will only get harder. If you wish to be successful in this world, education will get you there. It may be scary at first, but you will never regret it. Don't wait until it's too late, or when college tuition becomes more expensive. Control your future by taking the right step now. You may think college is not for you; that you aren't ready for it. But it is ready for you. It is ready to open unlimited doors for you. You will meet new people from different parts of world, exchange ideas and cultures, that might even help you in the long run. No information is useless information. College life will give you a preview to your independence and a sneak peek into your future. Too many people regret not going to college to get their degrees. Don't be one of them. Take advantage of the opportunities that are banging on your door. It will be the best choice you will ever make in your teenage life."


I would tell myself to take the time and do my work right. That the effort is worth it in the future and that I can be more if I just try harder. That I need to persue my passions while I have the time and resources.


If I could go back in time and give myself advice I would have told myself to start work sooner and to open a savings account so that Paying for collage wouldn't be such a struggle. I would also have told myself to apply myself better so I could have been better prepared. But since I can't do that I'm taking this survey to hopeully get some help. :)


I would say to not be afraid of the future. That sometimes you have to take chances, but those chances could change your life. Figure out what you love to do in life and go for it. Why would you want to do something that you don't absolutely love. I would say that the work is tough, but that you can do it. I would give myself hope for the future.


Being in college has been the most amazing, life changing experience of my life. As a senior, I thought college was going to be all about partying, being with friends 24/7, and just being wild. When I first got here, I did just that. But then, as time went on, I realized it was so much more. To my high school self: I tell you, DO NOT worry about what impressions you made in high school. DO NOT worry about being the most popular person in school. DO NOT worry that you didn't get to have that one girl or one boy that everyone wanted, and lastly, do not worry that you will not succeed. In college, you will make great impressions. As cliche as this sounds, try in your classes. These will prepare you in your profession that you will have the rest of your life. You will find your lifelong friends that will become family. Maybe you'll even find true love. Don't spend so much time worrying about going to all the parties, but rather trying to find your path in life. After all, college is preparing you for the rest of your life.


If I could advise myself, I would tell myself that every college freshman is going through the same transition from high school or community college, to a large university campus. So, get to know the people on your hall and in your classes, those people will help the transition go smoothly and possibly become your life-long friends. The professors and staff members are here to help you, so do not hesitate to ask questions. Most importantly, get involved with the social-life at college, but be safe. These are the times that you can go to concerts, travel abroad, and make great friendships, so don't just sit in your dorm room all the time, try something new and have fun, once all the homework is complete, of course!


All Things are possible if you Believe


Being out of high school for 25 years I have had a lot of time to think about what advice I could give myself if I were able to go back in time. One of the first things I would tell myself would be not matter how much you despise math, take as much as you can. College math is not “basic” math. Another thing I would tell myself would be, apply for any and every scholarship and grant possible. Just because mom and dad could not afford to send me to college at that time, I might have gotten lucky and received one to pay for college. There are scholarships and grants available for high school students whose parents are financially unable to send their children to school. The last thing I would tell my high school self would be think long and hard about what you want to do with your life. Even though you are given many chances to change your major, it helps to have some sense of what you want to do. Plus your advisor might throw you out of his/her office if you do it too many times.


If I could go back in time and give my high school self one piece of advice it would be to volunteer and get involved more in my community. Although I was involved in quite a few extra currciular community activities, I did spend a lot of my time working. Being in college now I have seen how important it is to get out into my city and make a difference! Not only does it help others, but I also would have learned much more about cultural diversity. Culutural diversity will play a large part in my field of study and if I had started learning about different culutrals sooner, I believe I would be in a better position to succeed more easily in some of my classes.


Going back in time four years ago, I would tell my Senior self that working and going to school is possible. Anything you put your mind to you can achieve. Don't worry about money, if you are determined enough everything will work out. Knowledge is power and the one thing no one can steal from you. Go to school work hard and live the American dream to be successful. Everything happens for a reason and it is important to learn from every mistake, accident, or incident in your life because each is an important lesson. History has a habit of repeating itself so it is imortant to learn the first time around. The time will never be right, that is something you have to take control of and make time work for you. Anything you wish to do in life is obtainable regardless of what others have told you as long as you keep your head up high, work hard, be determined, and only after that success will come.


I would tell myself to stay true to who you are. Don't try to just fit in, and make sure your friends respect who you are, it's important. Also try your hardest, and do not whatsoever, be lazy.


Stop. Enjoy these moment that you have, because shortly they will be gone. You are really going to miss them. Right now, I know all you want is to be out of here, to go off to college and be free. But, that is going to come really fast. Soon enough, you'll be at school, wishing you could relive the days of high school. So take the time and really enjoy the people and experiences that you're having at the moment. Stop worrying about the future. Stop wishing for it to hurry up. Stop and appreciate what is around you. Because before you know it, it all will be gone.


Dear highschool senior self, You are about to be in a whole new world. Stop worrying about your social status in highschool, and what everyone else thinks of you, that does not define you. Focus on "who" you are, and your personality. What can you perfect? Do you wish you would reach out more to those who are not your friends? Practice doing so now. Do you wish you had better relationships with your authorities? Work on that now, before you go off to college. Because what you practice now, is what you will do in the future. Work on building your character, and being confident in who you are before college. Decide now what type of friends you will want in college, because those will be the friends that you will have. Focus on the areas in school that need more attention, especially that fourth grade geology. College test you on everything, not just your highschool strengths. Do not wait until college to change, because change does not come so easy, which is why most do not make it past that first college semsester. Lastly, be brave. Those who worry miss all the fun!


Saving money, applying for scholarships, and getting a job are necessary to stay in school. There are more costs than a bright eyed High school student is aware of. As an aviation student the cost doubles and more money is needed to pay for tuition. Getting a job imidiately on getting to school allows for a less stressful time at College. Be more aware of your financial status and what you are going to do about bettering that financial status. College, to a High school student, may appear to be your final step in life, the moment you finally reach adult hood. But sadly it is not. No matter what, going to College does not mean that you have arrived, it simply means that you have moved on to another chapter of your life which will lead to becoming more mature. Life is about living in the moment, not wishing you were older or more experienced, and not looking back to past decisions or to the your future life. Live where you are and with what you are doing. Living for the future or in the past will only make you frustrated and depressed. College is both stressful and exciting.


Janan, listen to me! Don't procrastinate! You may think that you have time to get this work done later, but trust me. You don't. You're going to get busy with something else, and by the time you know it, you never get anything done. Also, start applying for scholarships right now. It will save you a bunch of time and you'll be able to start college easier and faster. And remember. Don't procrastinate!!


Dear, Adam




I would tell myself to dive into college rather than just test the water. To not be hesitant in making friends, but to also focus on academics. I would also recommend searching for a job to help pay my way through school rather than applying for loans and to look harder for scholarships because there are so many available.


To My High School Senior Self, College is a challenge; but mostly academically. You do not have to worry about making friends because Liberty naturally builds great friendships. You will be extremely busy with nursing school, but do not forget to take time to have fun with the friends that you make. Make sure to have fun even in the most stressful times during the year. You only have four years at Liberty University to learn the most you can about nursing. The nursing professors are incredible and you can learn so much from them if you ask questions and act on what you know. Be confident in who you are and in the knowledge that you have learned. You will fall down and mess up sometimes, but do not get discouraged! You have friends that will lift you up along with the professors. But most importantly, do not let your relationship with your Savior Jesus Christ fail. Jesus will give you the strength you need to get through each day. Make sure to spend time with Jesus everyday! Read His love letter to you, the Bible, and pray. 1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18. Love, My Self Now


Continue to stay focus on my education and know that in order to be successful I will have to work hard and know at the end I will reach my goal.


I have thought about this many times in the past. I would tell myself to go for it. You can't obtain anything without a little hard work but time passes no matter what you decide to do; so go for your dreams and stop doubting yourself. With time that passes life goes on and you may not regret every decision you make you do miss out on some great opportunities you can never get back if you don't live life in the moment.


If I could go back in time, I don't think I would tell myself anything. Everything that happened in my senior year got me to this point of my life and I am very happy where I am. I always used to tell myself "if I can just go back in time and study more for the SAT" or "If I just spent more time studying for math test I would have had an A+", but the truth is, I don't want to change anything because then my future would change. My future is looking pretty bright and I'm very content with that. Life is not easy, but that's what makes it beautiful.


I think that I would have to say, "Let loose a little!". When I went to school, I honestly thought that I had to study all the time and have no fun at all. I had to make sure that I was the best student I could be because I knew that my parents couldn't afford school for me and I didn't want to disappoint them. I realized that you can study all day and get the best grades, but you have to have friends. People to make a bond with for the rest of your life. I would tell myself to get out there and make as many friends as I can and just enjoy their comradory. Friendships that can stand the test of time are the only things that I miss, now that I am about to graduate.