Liberty University Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


I would give myself a lot of advice, but, I would kick myself in the butt first. After I did so, I would tell myself that what I do in highschool will always follow me to my future. I would advise myself to take that extra few minutes on my homework at night and to always make sure I do my best on everything.


If I were able to go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would encourage myself to simply take a deep breath. I feel as though I felt rushed and unprepared in the college search process as a senior yet the entire time God knew that I would attend Liberty and I just needed to trust in Him. I would also encourage myself to better prepare in advance for college. To outline and write down the needed documents Liberty required of me and to better pace my time. The summer before attending Liberty was chaos in that it was a rush to ensure I had everything completed and in order to come to Liberty in the Fall.


Dear high school self, Life as a college student is much different than life as a high school student. For one thing, there are new people. In high school, you grew up with people in school; whereas in college, there are people from many different places and walks of life. Be prepared to be open-minded and warm-hearted because making friends will greatly improve your college experience. Second, when attending a college on campus, you will have to walk to class, often for distances greater than you are used to. College campuses tend to be large and have many buildings that are similar in appearance, so have a campus map on hand. Finally, the type and difficulty of college homework is different from high school homework. College demands more discipline and higher levels of thinking. For example, writing assignments must include few errors and greater amounts of research which must be cited correctly. Remember to give yourself enough time to do research and ask questions of your professor before the assignment is due. In conclusion, preparedness, time management, and self-discipline will go a long way in making your college experience enjoyable and successful. Sincerely, Your future college self


Assert yourself more! This is your last year in High School. Talk to your Guidance Counselor more! Don't just sit around and be left optionless (besides working an unsatisfying 9-5er) , when it comes time to decide what career you want to pursue!


I would have given myself the advice to do better than I was doing, and take school alot more seriously.




If I could go back and give myself advice, it would be to work hard from the first day. Dont get distracted by boys and hanging out. No matter what college you attend, dont go just to party and think thats all its worth. College is a learning experience, if you mess up, learn from it and keep moving. You can only do better! Do better than what you set in mind to do. Be all you can be and so much more. When I first came to college, I was excited but also nervous. For the first couple of months I was on target with everything, then I met some "friends" who were into the exact opposite. They enjoyed hanging out and staying out pass curfew and I got caught up and failed my sophomore year. I learned from my mistakes and now Im doing better than ever. I have a campus job and Im taking my classes seriously and raising my GPA. Im not only doing this for my family but for me also. My favorite scripture: Philippians 4:13, I can do ALL through Christ who strengthens me!


If I could go back to being a senior, I would advise myself to take my health more seriously in college. In high school, I was very academically motivated, I graduated with a 4.0, and that skill set carried over to college. In high school I also played varsity sports and was a member of the dance team. That skill set did not carry over to college. So, once I got to college and spent all of my time socializing and doing homework, and none of my time at the gym, the effects starting showing up on the scale. That is my greatest regret in college, not taking the time to take better care of my body and keeping my high school, sports toned figure. If I could go back and talk to senior me, I would tell myself not to just brush off everyone's comments about the freshmen-fifteen. I would explain to myself how three-year-later me feels and the body image issues that come with putting on a little weight in college. Save for this issue, college has been a wonderful experience and my high school life set me up well for the transition.


Give a better effort towards my academics. Being a naturally smart student, I slacked more then I should have assumming that everything would be given or fall into place. This was easy to do coming from a very sugar coated school. I didnt pursue scholarships at all. Now im paying for it, Literally. Thats all i would really need to advise myself. More effort.


Way to go, graduate! There’s something I need to tell you: I know you want to worry, but don’t. Transitioning out of high school is definitely a new experience, but added stress from worrying will not help you adjust. Take a deep breath in, then out, and relax. Know that you are going to be a “Freshman” for a year, and that’s okay. Upperclassmen expect first-year students to be confused and to ask “dumb” questions, but they don’t mind because they have the pleasure of answering them however they choose, which you may come to find is not always seriously. But don’t worry. Before too long, you will no longer look like the tourist with souvenirs and a map stuffed in your fanny pack. The time will come when some “fresh meat” asks you where the cafeteria is and you have the choice to tell them the truth or stretch it by a couple miles – across campus, that is. You’ll be fine. Trust me (your older, wiser, more handsome self). Enjoy the moment you are in, and do not be impatient to find out what will happen next.


My goal is becoming a registered nurse in the U.S., because one way is that education can better my life. Indeed, I was immigrated the U.S with my family two years ago. I graduated a Nursing School in China, and got associate nursing degree. And I had an experience of seven years as a pediatric Registration Nurse in China. I further my study in a community college of Nevada from last year to now, while my 72-years-old father is caring for my two kids, also, my father has no income. My husband lose his job after his arm got injury during working, and he had to being have the treatment without any insurance. The deposit of my family is almost used up. Even I cannot pay off the utilities of next month, so I want to drop my classes and look for a job! Finally, I give up this idea after my husband persuaded me, and he has to work, though he isn’t in a good health. I know that I should overcome more obstacles for my goals. I believe that I can be successful in the future, and my dream can become be true.


I would remind myself to take high school a bit more seriously than I did. Even though while I was in high school I never got in trouble or had poor grades, I feel there was more I could have allowed myself to learn academically.


I would want to emphasize to myself the fact that the politics and popularity race of high school does not matter in the real world. So much of what I was founded on in high school was consumed in whom I hung out with and whom I wanted to impress. I would want to explain that I should not be trying to be like others but rather simply be myself and have confidence in who I am made to be. I would encourage myself in explaining that everything works out in the end and that even when I’m less than perfect, there is grace. I would tell myself repeatedly that I should try all the activities available at Liberty University and allow myself to be completely immersed in the different culture and spirituality. I would also want to stress to myself not to worry about figuring everything out quickly, in time I will know exactly who God has made me to be and it will make perfect sense. I would not change anything about my friends, trials, and experiences rather I would simply give confidence to myself to keep going, look to the Lord, and never ever give up.


If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior there would be many things that I would tell myself. I would encourage myself to stop coasting with B's and C's and do my best. I would also tell myself to continue running daily so that I could get a scholarship in track and field. Another thing that I do is take four years of french so that I could expound upon my knowledge in foreign languages. Simply stated, if I could go back and talk to myself I would encourage myself to do the best in all that I do so that I could set myself up financially and academically for college.


If I were to go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to apply for many different grants and scholarships whether it be for $500 or even $10,000. Every bit counts and I am seeing that now. FAFSA can only do so much when paying for school, but with the help of grants and scholarships, it will be a lot easier to pay for tuition, books, and any other college expenses.


If I could go back and give my high school self advice, I'd tell myself to not stress so much about how college is going to be. Its much easier than high school since you get to choose your classes and what teachers your going to have and even when you want to take the class. I would tell myself to find something that motivates you, because you are alot more independent in college. I would also tell myself that as much as you think that you are going to stay in contact with everyone from high school, it just doesnt happen and thats okay. Meeting new people is part of growing up and the college experience. Lastly I would tell myself to not be afraid to be whoever it is I choose to be.


Strggling with the price to go to a private college was very hard to do and espicially with it being out of state. Don't be afraid of the cost. If it is meant for you to go to this school the money will appear. if you don't step out and take that chance your never going to know if you could have successed. IF things don't work out you can always transfer . Liberty will help you do that and help you return if you need to. College is a personal experience that bring s us to understand who we really are and makes us open up. Leaving home was scarey also. Always very close to my mom. I still can talk to her anything with texting and calls. You will meet new friends that you like just as much as you do the one at home and maybe some better. With my christian life style I am attaching to others like me. Not so easy to do at home. I have friends but sometime we need friends that can help us grow and not tear us down. Love your all.


If I could go back in time I would tell myself to study harder and pay attention to the details in my science classes. As I began my Nursing degree, I would be in class listening during lecture and I would hear things that sounded familiar to me. As I continued to listen I noticed that the same material was being covered just with more detail. I wish that I could go back in my High School years and tell myself to be more concerned with the SATs because my GPA is what got me into college but my SAT scores would have gotten me scholarships and more financial assistance through my school.


If given the option of talking to my high school senior self, I would make sure I knew to start scholarships early because my financial position is not enough to pay for college but also not low enough to justify a lot of financial aid. I would also tell myself to not rush so much. School will still be there even when important friends are busy. Take the time to talk with people and by no means regret a single minute of it. You will look back and cherish those moments when you are sitting at the computer working on the fourth paper this week. They will get you through the cram sessions and the lack of sleep. Never underestimate the power of friends and always remember that they will be there for you. Even if you are busy.


If I had one chance to go back in time, I would tell that seventeen year old girl not to sweat the small things. I would remind her to plan ahead for the future, but most importantly enjoy the moment. She should be open to, rather than hurt by change, knowing that friends will come and they will go; so cherish the people along the way. A bad hair day or a blemish is not the end of the world. Set goals for yourself rather than for impressing others. Refuse to be lazy and expect a handout. Give freedom to your imagination, dreams and possibilities. Express who you are in all its weirdness. You don’t have to have it all figured out for everything to work out. Remember that each day is a day created for you to be extraordinary, in all your imperfections.


To my high school senior self, At first, college will seem easy and fun, but you will eventually get to a point where you lose your motivation and things will start to get difficult. My advice to you is to set short-term and long-term goals for yourself to keep you going. Make school your priority and don't get too immersed in anything else because it will only affect your grades. Trust me when I say grades are really important, don't slack off. Also, don't be afraid to ask for help and take advantage of what your school has to offer. Procrastination can be one of your major problems but make sure you set your priorities. Don't selcude yourself either, make new friends. Try not to compare yourself to everyone, this will make you lack confidence. Be confident! Create a dream and work toward that dream! In the end, your hard work WILL payoff. Lastly, when you start to struggle, live by this quote: “An obstacle is often a stepping stone.” - Prescott


If I had the opportunity to go back and talk to high school self, I would have a long heart-to-heart about what is truly important in life. The people and things we encounter in high school are wonderful memories but remember not to get swept away in the drama. Focus on what is truly important : the future. Back then, my mind was on anything but academics. I was just wishing my life away, counting the days to graduation but now I wish I could have those days back. I laughed off failing grades and cared more about socializing than studying. Thanks to my failure to prioritize, I barely made it into college nearly ten years later, and my friends all moved on to bigger, better things - without me. So, I'm doing it the right way this time and failure will not be an option.


The advice I would give myself would be to be more focused, study harder and try and gain a 4.0 GPA. I would tell myself to pay attention in class and take it every serious for it would affect me greatly when I get to college.


You are about to begin some of the most exciting years of your life! College will challenge you, break you, grow you, and inspire you in more ways than you could ever imagine. When you first come in as a freshman, you are not going to like it very much, but don't be scared! Yes, this is a big transition and you miss home, but get out of the dorm and do things. Meet new people and make as many friends as you can. Sometimes dorm life can be a bit overwhelming, but if you are ever feeling frustrated with your roommates or people on the hall...remember that this is the only time in your life where every night will be a sleepover with your closest friends. Make the most of it! Also, take advantage of the workshops and services that college provides you with. That is how you will learn the most and become a more knowledgeable person. Furthermore, don't get mixed up with the wrong crowd and remember that things like alcohol and drugs are not necessary to have a good time. Just make the most of this time! It goes faster than you think.


Know that without a college education you will be alone and without friends.You will be unimportant to a huge amount of humans without college.You will loose your place to live and your family.Your only escape is school.So learn all that you can without a moment of paGo into a use.You will gain computer skills that will need molding.Take all classes that have anything to do with computer technology.


When you are a senior in high school it is common to get graduation fever. When this hits, the feeling to keep working hard begins to fade and the mind starts looking more at going to college in a few months than the current academics. If I could go back I would tell myself that while it is exciting I can not loose focus of the goal. The goal to succeed and be where I want to be in four years. I would also tell myself to pay attention first semester freshman year. While there is so much going on around you and the overwhelming feeling to be out with your friends on a friday night instead of studying can be tempting but don't back down it will pay off in the end. I would stress to myself that college is an exciting, memorable experience but I am here for academics mostly and can not loose sight of that.


Be prepared to devote more time to studying and working on assignments.


to make an extensive research about all university options and choose the best out of that.


I would tell past me to apply myself. I would make sure that he realized how hard college is and how important studying and working as hard as you can at everything is. I would make myself realize that I have to live for the day, acting like any day could be my last. I would stress the improtance of living for God because you never know what can happen when you give it your best. I would try to rid my past self of mediocracy and laziness. I would suggest getting a job and reading much more. T.V. and video games in reality mean nothing at all. I cannnot do great things by simply being skilled at Maden or 2K sports. I'd tell myself to do more community service and reach out to others who are in need. I would get myself to be more involved in the church and more involved in FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes). If I could go back in time to give advice to past me, there would be a lot of things I would say, but I can't, so I'll have to stick with changing the present Micah.


As a high school senior I was thinking that I could do this whole college thing on my own and coast through the classes with little interaction with people. Once I got here I was moving so fast that I didn’t have time to relate to people around me. I would tell my self that I need to take seriously the opportunities that I have everyday to make relationships with the students around me. You will not be able to do this on your own. It is a blessing to be in college getting a higher education but it would be a real tragedy if I miss out on the crucial relationships along the journey. This will take place if I don’t make the conscious effort to slow down and take in the small joys of life.


I would advise myself to prepare myself to study more. My freshman year I did not work on schoolwork like I should have and it reflected in my grades. I quickly learned my lesson after my first semester and have been working to bring my GPA up ever since then. If I could go back I would as hard as I can right at the beginning of school. The work in college is more difficult than in high school so I would go back in time and tell myself to be prepared for that.


If I were to go back in time and give myself advice for college, I wouId first tell myself not to stress out about it. I would then go on to warn myself about going home. It is so easy to just go home on the weekends, especially if you live close by, but it is so important not to. By not going home on the weekends, you make stronger friendships and truly love the college itself more because you aren't just focusing on getting home. Another piece of advice I'd give myself is to stay on top of my work and do it before it is due. A lot of times it's easy to just take a day off when you don't have a lot of homework due the next day, but if you use that time to do something that's due in the future, even if it's not that much, it'll greatly reduce your workload when you get to the due date/


Eric you have a wide world in front of you, do not waste time doing things and jobs that don't appeal to the affiliation needs that you require. Get into college as soon as possible and stop procrastinating like our father did his whole life. Lift yourself from the pond now and evolve into what you truly are; a human being not a zombie walking blindly thru life. You remember the exercise you practiced to teach yourself how to type "Now is the time for all good men to come and aid their country!", well now is the time not tommorrow. Eric please I implore you listen to yourself and heed my advice. The way to come and aid your country is by becoming what you most want in life that makes you happy; consequently, this career may not make most money but you must learn to be content and at peace with yourself so that you can become successful. College is the tool that you need to pull form your shed out of the toolbox and use not your back. Listen to your wife she knows what she is talking about and do this alot sooner ok. TTFN.


Keep going in the direction you are going. Everything you work for now will get you where you need to be, don't give into worry because God has set you on the right path. There will be obstacles to come but you can overcome them, you always have. And be sure to do the most you can regarding scholarships to secure your enrollment in school. It will seem like a lot rushing over you all at once but within a few days you will find college life is the best thing that has ever happened to you. And like I said before, God will always be there no matter what, you will be tried many times but it will all work out for his plan and that is the main focus you should have for the rest of your life, more of him and less of you.


Rhonda, now that you are a high school senior, let me give you some advice on what you should know for college. First of all, know your worth. Know that you have a purpose and a design that is bigger than you can ever imagine so don’t let anyone steal your dreams away. Secondly, never give up on your plans. Even the greatest plans have dark moments which make one feel like surrendering; don’t forsake them. Finally, and most importantly, surround yourself with wise counsel. You don’t need to seek approval from anyone, but you do need seek advice so that you can make solid, informed decisions. Do the research and put the information before your support team so they can confirm your findings, or lead you in an area you may have overlooked. Your value, perseverance and circle of influence will be your greatest assets for success. Now go and pursue your passions and dreams and take them to the ends of the world. The work will be worth your time and your success will be reciprocal to your effort. Remember; regret you may things you have done, regret more the things you have not.


If I could go back to my high school senior self I would give myself almost the same advice everyone else seemed to be giving me, instead of marrying a military man and taking a year off of school just go to school and get that first year done and out of the way. At the time I did not realize with moving across the country from everything I had always known and changing my last name how much more difficult it would be to go to school and get the financial aid I needed. I did not realize that all the opportunities and assistance I was given during my senior year would not always be there. So knowing what I know now and all the time and money that has been wasted, I would tell myself to get enrolled in school and take advantage of all the opportunities and assistance I had at the time to enroll in a school where I could attend right away and still follow my husband’s military career.


I would tell my past self to remember the reason you chose the University you did. Set goals for yourself and do not lose sight of whats important. Sometimes the transition can be rough but do not fret, itll get better in the long haul. Find a solid group of friends quick, and remember you are not the only Freshman who will be experiencing a bit of a culture shock. Make the most of the opportunities you encounter and do/try the things you love or are interested in. Always GO to class and work very hard to get good grades. Remember that whatever effort you put into each class will reflect at the end of the semester. Learn time management skills and it will benefit you tremendously in the long run. In the end if you put the work in you will be very proud of the results.


Hello self, it is time to begin thinking about college and goals for your future. This will the most important decision you will have to face at this time of your life and you should not be too quick to decide where you will go. First and foremost, don't go to a school just because everyone is going there or because it is really close to home. Think about your future, the next 4 years or more will make a tremendous impact on your worldview. Now is not the time to know everything, even though for the first time in life, it seems very much like you are on top of the world. That will all change quickly in a few short months. You will be challenged and tested, even tempted. Who are you and what kind of person do you want to be? The next few years may shake the very foundation you stand on. Make a list of what is most important to you. Pick the school that most aligns with your values. Ask questions, be respectful, work hard, be a friend, and thank those that have helped you along the way. So long self...


I would say that college is very difficult, do not under estimate it. However, college can be one of the best times in your life. You make longlasting friendships, and it is the first real step in entering adulthood. If I could go back and do anything differently, I would have taken my grades more seriously and would have not wasted away my highschool experiences because they go by way to fast. I think many times highschool students waste away the moments of their senior year because they are so eager to go to college. We seem to forget how fast time flys, and to make the best of your memories. I also would have told myself to not worry so much about transitioning into another school. I use to be so scared of coming to college, I guess i was afraid of not being able to handle the work and the stress. Since being at Liberty University I have never been happier, I no longer have fear for the days to come, for those days will take care of themselves. I thank God every day for the life that he has given me here on this earth.


I would tell myself that I needed to look for scholarships much more than I did. I did nothing to look for money to pay for school; I just expected the scholarships to come to me because of my grades. I would tell myself to be constantly looking for any scholarship I could possibly qualify for, because now I'm rushing to find all the ones I can for next semester. I would also tell myself to be ready for a whole new set of diverse people. This is a large Christian university, and I was not ready for such a difference in environment coming from a graduating class of two. Finally, I would tell myself to be excited because college life is amazing!


Assuming I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, there are many things that I would say. There is so much advice I could give, not just to myself but to others also. I would began by telling myself to take harder classes and to apply myself more. By taking harder classes, it would have helped me prepare for what lied ahead of me. Having the knowledge at the stage that you should be and having it seem familiar in college, would have been beneficial. I would also tell myself to push harder, apply myself to get good grades, and get more involved. You don't realize it until you move on to a further education, but having the knowledge and applying yourself from high school would have helped a lot. As long as you move on to further your education, the more you have regrets about what you didn't do. I would have told myself that. It only makes you want to try harder. So to concluse, I would tell myself to apply all that I could with what I had and to really consider my furture as to accomplishment.


Don't allow the bad people in the world to influence how you treat everyone. People will think your cold and you'll turn cynical. Show God's love to at least one person everyday. Initiate conversations with strangers. This will force you to not prejudge someones intentions. Always tell people what they have done in your life. This will lead to stronger relationships and people will not misunderstand you so often. Learn to study, it will be invaluable later. Adam, the best advice I can give you is if you ever find yourself withdrawing from the world or God, find someone to help. This will cause you to see that you can be a difference in someones life. Know regardless of whether or not you understand why people are here, they matter to God so they should matter to you. You have absolutely nothing to prove to God and nothing you do can make him love you any more or less. Never be afraid to recklessly follow God because the best feeling in the world is looking behind you and seeing those you love dearest close behind the guide they prayed for. Become the difference you want to see.


i would tell myself the great technique i learned in college to study that would really help me.


To study hard and often so I will be prepared for the future. Do your best the first time so you will not have to repeat a class. If you need help do not hesitate to ask, because when you do not understand the instructions it can turn into a failing grade. Pick a job area that you will be comfortable in and take the necessary classes so you will not waste your time with classes that are not in your field. Do research on your college and make sure they offer the classes that you want to take. Education is important for everything that we do, so don't let anyone discourage you and tell you that college is not important. Anybody can get a job, but only a few people get a career.


Do not freak out and make yourself nervous. Focus on the work at hand, study hard and pass the AP exams, and for the love of education, apply for so many scholarships that your head rolls. Please! Don't stress, there will be plenty of time in the summer to worry about anything that isn't related to senior year and simply paying for college. Make it through the year. And please, apply, apply, apply, you need it. And just to clear your head in March, you really won't regret not going to prom, you don't need to spend all that money to have a good time! Remember to have fun, enjoy senior year, do your work, think about your finances for next year, and just enjoy the company of these amazing people who will move away from you in the summer. Have no regrets.


If I could go back in time I would make sure that I would find scholarships ahead of time along with taking the SAT and/or ACT. If I had found out about finding scholarships online, I would have already started searching a long time ago. I also would not have waited to go back to school if I had known that there were colleges and universities online. I would be better prepared than what I am now, especially since college is so expensive.


To Simmone , college is no joke. You have to be on track and stay focused. College is great you learn how to be independent and become more responsible while transitioning to be come a young adult. Don’t get me wrong you can have fun , but the parties will be there. Staying focused is key. However, Simmone you must be attentive in class , organized, and determined. You will be tempted to do things but remember think before you do. The library will be your best friend trust me. Overall, you will be great in life if you stay focused , and have a positive mind toward learning.


Well, Shunza although its been a great challange and you've had some hardships while finishing up school and getting your ged you did it! You made it! And it wasnt all bad.. you had fun times and met new people. But now its time to push on and move on towards college. I know you see all the movies that show college as "the party years" and all fun and games but its not! This is the time in your life that you will need to buckle down and stay focused. You'll need to study alot and learn how to manage your time to succed and make Mom proud!


The advice I would give myself, would be something like this; Don't be affraid to dream big. I know you don't believe in yourself much, if at all, but you really need to explore who you really are, and stop listening to the voices in your head, from your dad. You are not stupid, and there is so much out here to be learned, all you have to do is believe. Believe in yourself. Believe in the endless possiblities that await you. Your family of origin does not have to be your identity. You can explore a whole new world in education, and there are so many lives you could touch, if you would just believe in yourself. I know your hurts and your pains, but you need to know that you are a beautiful creature in God's eyes, and he wants the very best for you, and a good education could put you on the right path of becoming who God intended you to be. Forget the labels your parents put on you. Be an explorer, and explore yourself, and the great opportunities that await you because God loves you very much. Amen!


STUDY, STUDY, STUDY. Take the SAT ASAP, in Jr. year. Attempt SAT as many times as possible to achieve the best score for potential academic scholarships. And apply for every scholarship that comes your way as early in your highschool years as you can