Liberty University Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


i would tell myself: "get over your "senioritis" and show up to class more. even though you know the matterial, attendance will kill your grade and your GPA going into Liberty is going to suck, you wont get as much scholorship money and will be looking for ways to pay for school as a result. Also, Break up with sam because its not gonna work, i know its lasted two years but trust me, next year is gonna be hostile and its going to end bad. But really, dont worry so much about Liberty, you're going to do great, just be yourself, you're a funny guy and people like that, dont distant yourself, you'll regret you ever did."


Do not let extreme difficulty make you second-guess your decision to attend school and pursue your degree. There will be times when you find yourself sitting in the bathroom crying because things are so challenging that you feel completely insufficient, as though you are not equipped to succeed. Know that doing this is the best thing for you. You will work hard, you will get that 4.0 GPA, and you will learn more than you ever thought you would. You will feel like a failure, but you will succeed. Just keep calm, carry on, and enjoy every second.


Make sure you learn everything you can while you are in high because you going to use some of it in college. Never done something get hard don't give up on nothing that you do. You better it iwhile you are young because before to school when you older can be tryed hard but you can do it if you decide you can do it i have seen a lot of people and know a lot of people that has done it. College is very serious thing you can't play around when you start college. Don't let the college life get to get becuase it ain't all about partying and have fun all the time because if you do that you going have to go throw a long process of getting back right and it is not fun , You going have to bring your grade my a deadline. Then you might have Appeal and that is a hard thing because it don't go throw you going have to pay for it our even have to sit out for a good min or even drop out. So take college very serious!!!!


I would tell myself to quit procrastinating and to learn how to manage a schedual. I would tell myself this becuse now that I am in college I have had to learn how to work out a schedual in order to keep on top of my assignments. I have also had to learn to not put assignments off until the last minute.


I would say you should have taken AP classes. Not lack off as much as I did. To have enjoyed senior year more. Ask the adults more questions.


Hey man take life as it comes. It's full of surprises and obstacles. You never know what is in store for your future so be prepared. Boy Scout motto, right? Sometimes life will get rough, but don't think in the negative, always stay positive and keep your chin up. If at first you don't exactly know what you want to do, don't worry, lots of people are like that. Good things take time, great things happen all at once. One day it may hit you like a train, that you know what you want to do. Grasp that, hold tight, and go for it! Nothing bad can come from trying. Don't ever think you're a failure, you're not. You have so much potential! And lastly, stay active. You may think it's easier to hide from the world and hide your feelings but don't! Get out there! Explore! Meet people, make friends, because in the end love and friendship are the greatest things in life. I hope this helps. If you're ever feeling down, read this. I am sending this in hopes of providing you with motivation! Love, Your Future Self


If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior, I will tell myself to take my studies and life a little more serious. All the joking and playing around I did in high school was very non sense. I did not like to study in high school. Knowing what I know now, I would be in my books a whole lot more. Since I love to read, I do not have a problem with getting my studies done. With online classes, you must be able to read and write. Now that I am a mature student, I make better grades now than high school. Knowledge do pay off.


Make a decision early on as to what you want to study and be. Set goals and go after them with all your ability. Surround yourself with people that will strengthen, challenge, and encourage you as you pursue your goals. Have fun and make lasting friendships. Work hard now so that you can enjoy the fruits of your labor later on in life.


I would tell myself to stay focused and keep your eyes on the prize no matter what distractions or temptations are thrown in front of you. There is nothing wrong with going out and having fun with your friends but don't make that more important than going to class and keeping up your good grades. Study harder than you have ever studied in your life and keep telling yourself you can do this. It won't be easy but in the end, you will be better for it because you have accomplished what you set out to do and that was to get your degree. Don't let the lure of fun and freedom take you away from the goals you have set and remember that when all is said and done, you will have much to celebrate. Your education is the most important decision you will ever make and should be your top priority right now. Get your degree and then you can finally let yourself go because you've made it!


I would tell my high school self to stay at Southern Virginia University for all four years and play football rather than take two years off to go on a church mission. The two years took away meant all of the strength and speed I worked for in high school was gone and I was back to square one. Instead of waiting for a math major to be created (which it never was, I would tell myself to major in business and not computer science. With the business degree I could enroll in Liberty's graduate study program from the start instead of having to take a bunch of prerequisite undergraduate courses.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself to take school more seriously. I would sit myself down and have a very stern talk about how if I don't do my best in everything I do and try my hardest that i will end up being a cashier for 2 years before being able to attend a university. I would force myself to make a promise to never do anything half-heartedly and to take full advantage of the oppurtunities that I have in front of me, no matter how small or large it may seem. I would let me know that the little things that I do or do not do now will have a much larger impact on the future than I anticipate. Lastly I would tell myself one of the most important things in this world, i would tell myself that I should never be afraid of failure, and that I should not be ashamed of failure but embrace and learn from it. These are the things I would tell myself.


As a senior in high school student the one thing I would do is study more and push myself harder to complete the challenging classes. As a senior in high school it would have made my life easier if I would have learned to study more. A simple way to being in college and being able to complete each class with a passing grade is studying, and if I was able to go back in time as a senior I would have showed myself how to study. The knowledge and ability to comprehend the assignments in high school would have made these last two years in college easier to understand. The one thing that all students should focus on is studying and with that you could succeed to complete any class as long as your mind is focused. If I was able to push myself harder to achieve a greater grade in most of classes in high school and senior year I would have been able to put my focus in all my classes in college. Being able to have this opportunity to have scholarship money would help me succeed to become a better student in every way.


If I were to go back to myself as a highschool senior I would tell myself to go with a major that I love. When I started college I was majoring in Elementary Education. It was not long before I found out that I was not interested in it. I knew I wanted to be a missionary and that a teacher would be a good job for that. I learned that God gave me talents and interests to go into exercise science. I learned I can use a major I love and become a missionary as well.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior knowing now what I know about college life and making the transistion I would tell myself to work harder and enjoy life. I would say enjoy what you have now, which is little responsibility, a home cooked meal almost every night and parents who love you unconditionally. I would tell myself to get a job because college is expensive, I might even tell myself to wait a year or go to a community college for two years before going to Liberty. In college you are on your own and responsible for your life more than ever. I would tell myself that God is in control and that he is working through each and every circumstance and that I will learn a lot through this process, even though it hurts now. In the end I would not change anything, for I needed to learn these lessons and to grow into what I am now, which is different than what I was back in high school. I wish I could change things but I would not change it for the world.


I would have worked harder in highschool to earn more scholarships towards my education.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would have quite a bit of advice to offer. The first thing I would do is to warn myself not to assume that college classes would be as easy as high school classes. I would advise my former self to spend some time researching the area of study I had my heart set on to make sure it was really what I wanted to do. Finally, since wisdom and hindsight seem to come much later in life due to the lessons we often learn the hard way; I would highly recommend that I not select an area of study based on money. Over the years I have learned that what is in my heart is to teach. Even though it is not financially rewarding it has priceless and lifetime rewards. There are not many “do over” opportunities in life, but when you have the chance to do it all again you need to take it. It might have taken me years to realize what I wanted to do with my life but I am so thankful I never gave up.


First and formost I would tell myself to live in moderation. There is time for all the activities one can imagine, however the most important thing to remember is that you are in college to succeed and make good grades. I would have also made myself save more money before attending school as I paid for my own college and it was very difficult. Those are the main points I would have made to myself going away to school.


The advice I would give my high school self would be to not care about how other high school students look at you. I know it sounds typical, but in high school, you feel like you have to have at least one friend in every class, even if that “friend” is someone who you honestly cannot stand being around. You also feel like you cannot let go of a friendship because the other person might get angry (and high school girls enjoy spreading lies and confidential information about each other). I remember there was one friendship in particular that I held on to just to avoid all of that. But fact is, when you go to college, everyone is starting back at square one. Not many people really care what high school “social class” you were. You can start over and be yourself, not what others try to make you. Best yet, you will always find a group of people who you fit in with and will love you for who you are.


There is no finer teacher than experience. I have only one statement to sum up these experiences. May they serve, not as harsh instruction, but gathered wisdom. “Work hard when you must, have fun when you can, and know the difference between the two.” One may say my advice is just about having balance. There will always be some demand to deliver an assignment or prepare for a test. During such events, it is necessary to perform at nothing less than your best. This could mean placing the time aside to study or performing research before beginning an assignment. These times will be the norm during your college career. They should not be the total. While it may be every parent’s dream to see their child surpass them, simply working hard alone is not enough. In fact, this method alone often leads to physical and mental exhaustion. It may even cause complete loss of interest in your academic pursuits. College is an experience completely unique to any other season in life. Enjoy yourself when you find demands surprisingly light. Successfully identifying these extremes will ultimately lead you from academia into adulthood.


Don't rush into making a decision about life. Be ok with making mistakes, it's how you learn from them. When your friends go out partying, tell them to call when they've had too much. Don't forget to call your mom every day and tell her thank you. This is the time to learn about the kind of person you want to be. Be true to your friends, love yourself, and don't worry about how you look, it'll work itself out in the end. Don't stress about the little things in life. Don't forget your manners or your cute accent. Jane Austen's stories about love never actually happen. Your sister will make mistakes, but support her even when you disagree. Oliver makes for a great dog.


The advice to my high school senior self would be this: don’t worry about girls, that will come in good time. Academics, behavior, or responsibilities never became a problem for me in high school. I maintained a high GPA, even so that I spent my senior year dual enrolled at my local college, never in trouble with administration or the law, and held a job since I was 16. Girls though, for some reason I was always worried about them, either with trying to find, impress, or hold on to one. It’s an honest dilemma. I feel that if not all of us, most of us in that age group went through drama with the opposite sex. Looking back, it really was the last thing I should have been worrying about. My parents were right (who’d a thought?), there will always be time for girls. Ironically enough, now that I am busy in college, with in-depth classes and an exciting internship, one could say I’ve “lost interest.” The day will come when a great one comes along, and I know that now. I just wished the high school senior me did too.


I would tell my highschool self to spend more time with friends. Getting to know people and finding out how you can help them is more valuable than extra points on your GPA. Getting to know people will not only teach you the most important skill for life, but will leave you with life long relationships. School is very important, but it is not the reason for life. Stressing over school is not the only thing I would change about my highschool years. I waisted so much time by not taking the time to discipline and organize myself. A wise man once told me, you need to plan your time, and plan time to plan your time. Time is all we have and it is important not to waste it. In highschool, I would have spent much less time watching tv and updating myspace. I would have read a few more books and developed my perspective on life. Then I would have developed better relationships with my friends and had a possitive impact on them. If highschoolers made this type of commitment it would change the world.


Prioritize. Work hard. Get some good study habits down and learn how to prioritize. Now that college is here, you have to choose between having a social life, doing well in school, or sleep, and usually you can only choose two of the three. Listen to your heart. Stop listening to what other people want you to do with your life, and do what you enjoy. Explore. Figure out your likes and dislikes, your passions. Let the kid in you come out and play, but know when to be serious. Be the kid that you want to have in the future. Take time to enjoy the life around you. Stop looking back, stop rushing forward. Live in the moment.


If I could talk to the past me, I would advise myself to take advantage of scholarships. Every little bit counts and in the end, financial stability will lessen the stress of college immensely. I would tell myself that college life is not as scary as it seems, but it's also not easy. Don't through your education down the drain, but work hard and earn that degree. Don't settle for the bare minimum. Do the best you can do. Hard work always pays off in the long run. There is a line though. You don't want to be that kid you stays shut up in her room studying 24/7. Get out and meet people. These people will always be a part of your life. Lastly, get involved! Join clubs and participate in activities. College is the time to learn responsibility but still have fun.


Do not second guess your ability to survive in the college environment. You are smart enough, talented enough, strong enough to do well in college. More importantly remember that God is always with you and that He has everything under control.


I would have to encourage my "high school self" to never give up on my goals, no matter who tried to bring me down. I would urge myself to not take any breaks in my education. I would tell "me" to take every opportunity given to me as a blessing, because it's much harder to pick yourself back up and star over than to just keep going. Most of all, I would tell the younger me that I am worthy of a good life, and that I can attain one if I just work for it.


Josh, within the next few months things are going to change dramatically for you. You have worked hard and done well in high school and for that I commend you. Academically you are pretty well prepared for the college life, but there are some things you must know. You are going to have to learn how to balance your academic life with your social life. Now matter how hard you work there will always be more to get done. Do not let this faze you. Work hard, utilize the quiet study room, do not procrastinate, create a plan, and take breaks. There are times when you need to put work aside and just enjoy college. This being said, meet and make friends with as many people as you can. There are amazing people at college, and you never know which of them could end up being your new best friend. College is truly the best time of your life so make it count! Get involved with different activities and ministries. You have the potential to grow yourself and affect the lives of others. Lastly, make the most of your last high school days for those days will soon be gone.


I would tell myself to work as hard as I could that way I could get more scholarships and I would take the ACT.


I would definitely recommend studying harder, watching my GPA more closely, and registering for as many honors classes as possible because the honors program here is really attractive. More scholarships are offered and high-quality housing is more accessible. You also get priority registration and being in the program looks really good on your resumé. I would also highly suggest not worrying about dating as much during senior year. There are a lot of great guys here that aren’t just looking for sex. These guys care about who you are and what you love. Even if you are not considering dating anyone, the guys here are very supportive and kind. Even though I went to private high school, the guys here are much more understanding and real. They are great, quality people. Another thing I would suggest would be to ensure that my job experience had been more extensive in high school. There are so many opportunities for on- and off-campus jobs. The businesses nearby are looking for good, ambitious students to fill their shift list. The work study jobs here are also very rewarding and help you to be more involved with the campus outside of class.


I wouldn't tell myself to do anyting different. Who I am is because of the choices that I have made and I am proud of where I am:}


Going back to my senior year , I would advise myself not to let the senioritis get a hold of me. To keep working hard and never give up. I would tell myself not to worry about the moving to a place where I don't know anyone because my roommates are great and you will make friends fast. Remember to work hard and the professors will work just as hard to help me succeed. Make a plan and stick with it in prioritizing school work, friends , and sleep. A good balance is needed with all of this. Don't blow through your money.. It goes faster than you think. Eat healthy and don't eat too much junk food. Excercise a few times a week to keep in shape. Don't give into peer pressure no matter how cool you wanna appear, sticking to your guns will be more respectable. Study hard, don't procrastinate, laugh , live and love alot . Don't wear your heart on your sleeve. Do all this and you will succeed!!


Dear Shannon, You will get many chances in life, some good, some bad. It is important that you finish the things you start in life because you will always worry if there was something else you missed. When you decide to join the Army, make sure you commit to retirement. Make sure you regret nothing you have done. You have one life and live it like there is no tomorrow. Most importantly, only you can take care of yourself. You cant control everything. Never give up because you are amazing! Don't stop believing in yourself or others around you.


1. Get involved early! My senior year was spent worrying about what college would be like; that caution last well throughout my first year. College is what you make of it. Getting involved early makes the experience so much more rewarding. Join a club. Attend every event you can. Ask around for ways to become involved, and dive right in! 2. Talk to your professors! My instructors have taught me a lot in class, but that pales compared to how much they have taught me after class or in their offices. Professors teach because they truly love to help students. If you are struggling with an assignment or you have questions about a specific field, just ask the professor if you can talk sometime. Not only do they have a wealth of helpful information, but they are actually pretty cool. 3. Don’t overwork yourself! College doesn’t have to be painful, and no one expects you to do everything at once. It is okay to push yourself, but make sure that you have time to truly enjoy the experience. By far the best part of college is the people you meet. Make sure you have time to meet them.


If I could go back and tell my senior self anything I would tell it three things. First, I would tell myself to make the most with my family. Being at a school that is half way across the country from my family and my new nieces makes is hard, enjoy them. Next, I would tell myself to save, save, save school is expensive. watch all the pennys because will have to do it in college why not start practicing now. Finale, I would tell myself to take more AP and dual credit classes while in high School. That way it will not take as long, which will be less years to pay for school, and it will not be as expensive in College.


I would advise myself to be certain I chose the right field to study; a field that would keep me passionate and interested. I would also tell myself to be realistic on time consumption regarding managing a full time job while being a full time student. Finally, I would give myself a reality check on how much money my education would cost and make necessary preparations while in school to pay the loans back.


Wait to get married and start a family! Get your education while you are young, so that you can live a higher quality of life. Don't stop at a bachelor's degree. . .earn at least a master's degree before entering the work force full time or getting married. Soak up all that you can possibly absorb while you still have your youth because you can never go back! Get involved!


This is what I would say: Kimmie,You are so close!! It may see now is an all right time to “slack-off” but it’s not. You have to work even harder to not give up, or think that what you have done is good enough! This year will mean a LOT and will ultimately help decide your future! One bad decision does have an effect.Soon you will get a summer off, and then you get to start pursuing your dreams! Don’t give up on your dreams! You can do anything you set your mind to, even though in the difficult times it may not seem that way! Push through your classes with excellence! Do the best you can, it will pay off! Don’t forget to still have a little fun! The sports you enjoy doing are a great way to show your passion and relieve a little stress! Continue to lead the Robotics team with the encouragement you give them! Your leadership skills are growing every day while you are doing that!Most of all you need to know that YOU CAN DO IT!! You are going to be an amazing, passionate person. Keep striving!


If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself to not worry about not making the friendships and the bonds that I had been worrying about. It becomes natural to have close friends at school because you live with the girls, and everyone should find at least one close friend. I would also tell myself to focus on school and God, and that everything else would fall in place of that. I would also make sure that my senior self knew that college, despite what everyone was saying, was actually a lot harder than high school. Although most of the entry level classes were easy, I should have known to spend more time studying rather than socializing with others. I would talk about not being able to talk to the teachers unless you make the effort to do so, especially in the lecture classes, and you have to seek out help if you need it. No one is there to hold your hand along the way. You should go to school with goal in mind , and strive to reach it.


If I could go back and speak to myself as a high school senior, or to any current senior there are a few things that I would say. Start by remembering that all teachers are different. Just because one English teacher permits something does not mean that all English teachers do. Also, remember that deadlines are deadlines, and not guidelines. When an assignment is due, it cannot be turned in late. Register early for classes to get the classes that you need for your program of study. Also, once you register, use the I.S.B.N. numbers to locate and purchase used books online. It will save you about half of what you can expect to pay in the college bookstore. Another tip I have learned about books, when selling them back, you usually earn more money if you sell back to online sources, such as Amazon. Work on raising your G.P.A. Grades are very important when applying for scholarships. Apply to as many scholarships as possible before you get to school. Once you get to college, you can continue to apply for scholarships, but it is time-consuming. Finally, enjoy the journey! It's amazing!


Life has been very challenging without a complete education. After highschool I attended college for a year but did not do good because I did not know how to stay out of peer pressure situations. The choices I have made up to this point of my life have been a part of plan that is greater than myself. As a child of God I have accepted my life and the way I have lived it up to this point. I would definately tell myself to stay in school until I have my degree and career planed out. I would even cheat a little and probably tell me what classes to take. I would definately take as much time as possible with me so I would have all the necessary tools needed to make better decisions.


Never to let anyone or any issue be an obstical in my way. Fight to gain and keep my education, classes and the grades i have earned. The only one who can let people get to me and stop me from learning and make my dreams come true is my self. Education is the only way my dreams can come true so I should never give up even when it gets hard. If I listened to everything people tell me i can not do I would never get anyware in life.


If I could look my high school self in the eyes today after starting college, I would tell her this one piece of advice, spend as much time with family as possible. Academics are important, sports are fun, and extracurricular activities are necessary to learn responsibility, but all of those things can continue in college and are not the most essential thing in life. The one thing you cannot have in college and the rest of your life is the same type of quality time with parents and siblings as one has in high school. In college and life, family time becomes ruled by school breaks and job schedules. I would tell my high school self to go to my mom’s paddling races, instead of doing extra credit for a class that I already had a 98{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} in. I would tell myself to spend less time on Facebook and go to the grocery store with my dad just to bond and laugh. I would inform myself of the simple truth that friends could be found everywhere, especially at college, so stop throwing an attitude about “having to spend time with the family” and gladly treasure every moment.


I would tell my younger self to not make the mistake and get myself stuck on what major I wanted to pursue. The IGETC generally had a universal plan for most majors, and if I was to worry about completing that sooner, less stress would have came my way. I'm still very grateful for the way things have been turning out, as I feel that I am more ready than ever to finish college, but I would have told myself to get on the ball sooner. I would have also told myself to take it easy with the social life, and that if I surrounded myself with slackers, I would turn into a slacker myself. The people around you generally reflect the person you strive to be.


The advice I would give myself would be to make the most of your college experience! Don't let self-doubt hold you back from making your dreams come true! Most importantly always be true to yourself.


Dear Corey, When you get bad roomates just try and be peacful and change rooms as soon as possible. also be careful in what classes you take, only the ones you need. Books are cheaper rented and don't buy them unless you have to. Have fun and study hard, remember to talk to plenty of people, especially girls.


Dear Highschool Me, You're about to enter college and you think your ready but it's not what you picture. You're about to go from being the king of the hill as a senior to bottom of the totem poll as a freshman. But don't worry, it's a new start. Decide what kind of person you want to grow up to be before you come to college because when you get here you can be anyone you want. It's really easy to jsut become like you new friends, but don't do that. Know what you want and be who you are. If you're not sure yet that's okay to. Take lots of classes, talk to lots of people you normally wouldn't, and always say yes to trying something new. While your still in highschool take as many college credits your school offers. It's hard work, but every credit costs lots of money in college. Work the summer before you come to college and safe that money. It's gonna be great to have that once your on campus with a whole new world to discover. Have fun building your future!


If I had the money to go to college i would love to go and become a teacher for i help the furture out with there education.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a senior in high school, I would like give myself a preview of my future at college: "Congratulations! You're a high school senior now. In just a short time, you'll graduate and be starting college classes full-time. The first two years of college won't be a breeze, but you're ready for them, and you're more prepared than a majority of the other students. You'll go to the local community college that you've been taking dual-enrollment classes with, and you'll do great there. You'll graduate with your AA, honors with distinction. "As a junior, however, you will be doing the unthinkable - attending college in another state. You'll be away from your family longer than you've ever been before. Classes will be harder. You'll pull your first all-nighter. You’ll get stressed and lonely at times. BUT - it will be a great experience for you. You'll grow and truly begin your journey into adulthood. "So buckle up, get ready and don’t worry - you’ve got this!"


Go to college as soon as you can, don't put it off. It is worth the investment in money and in time. It may not seem important now, or even possible now, but it is really something which should be a high priority. It can open up opportunities for you which you may otherwise miss. It will be even harder to go once you have a spouse, and harder still when you have children of your own. You also may face unexpected hardships where having a degree would help you obtain employment for which you might otherwise not be qualified. Attending college will help you to grow as a person in addition to learning new skills and life experiences. College is truly more than taking classes to get a degree. It is an opportunity to expand your skills in many areas including but not only: specific career training, social skills, self knowledge, interpersonal skills and conflict resolution. It also may invoke interest in travel, unfamiliar foods, customs or recreational activities, and introduce new concepts about life, people, community, government, and distant locations. Make college high on your priority list! Make it happen; you will not regret it!


My advice to my 'high school self' is to "take your time". "After high school is over with the silly pressures will dissipate and soon you will be left with only yourself to make decisions for your future. Do what you can to soak up the knowledge from your teachers instead of planning your next social event. Knowledge is not for show or for boasting, but for is yourself, an accomplishment. It is something to take with you and share with others. Also, strengthen your relationship with Jesus and rely on Him to guide you. He has given you gifts, the ability to learn, reason and think logically. Don't waste or misuse those gifts. The fear that you have about college life , ask Him to take it away and replace it with strength. However, the other side of that is there is no manual to life that says you have to attend college to be successful. Again, do not let the pressures of your peers be your guide, but instead follow Him."