Miami Dade College Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


If I could go back in time to talk to myself as a high school senior with the knowledge that I have now about college life and making the transition I would have prepared myself with the financial support to be able to pay for my college tuition. As a high school senior, I though I had everything planed out. I knew I wanted to work in the health care profession. I enjoy being a caregiver and making a difference in people?s life. One thing I failed to think about was how I was going to pay for my education. I thought by working a full time job I would be able to pay for my studies, but when I got accepted into the program I applied for, I was unable to work full time and still go to school. I have applied for financial aid, but due to my past w-2, I was only award a small amount of money. If I would have known this would happen, I would have opened a savings account when I started working and put aside some money each month so that I wouldn?t be in this stressful situation now.


If I were to go back in time I would tell myself to concentrate on my studies and not procrastinate on anything in my life. Because of this is why I am in school so late. But thank God that it's better late than never.


?Focus on your future. It?s fine to continue to be an average teenager and have fun, but apply for scholarships so that you won?t have to worry about money for college in addition to passing your classes. I would also suggest you study just a bit for those AP tests. You only need one more point on that AP Literature test to get another three credits for college that you won?t have to pay for. Thirty minutes of studying a day wouldn?t hurt your social life in the least. Also, study a bit for the SAT. You only need 20 more points to get the Bright Futures Florida Academic Scholars award. I?m not saying that if you don?t do any of this, your life is going to turn out horrible. It really isn?t bad at all. It would simply ease a few burdens off your shoulders while you get through college a bit faster than usual so that you can move onto the ?real world.? The ?real world? may not sound that great right now, but by the time you get to college, believe me, it?ll start sounding a whole lot better."


I would say Irving, you are smart you could finish with the highest in your class. Get involved. Root for school attend more school event like pep rallies, football games and school plays. Be part of a clubs or an extra activitie, and or play a sport it will give you a chance to know other students you might not otherwise meet in your classes and it look good on college applications. Don?t rely on rumors you hear from other students; if you have a question about what is or isn?t allowed, ask a counselor or a teacher. Plan for college early and get the highest gpa that you can. If you do all what i have told you it would make your highschool experience much more full-filling.


If I would have the chance to rewind the time and think about all that I am going through, I will change lots of things like putting more effort in school, giving my best to have the best grades and be competitive to obtain awards and recognitions that I am going to be able to use later on my life. Also be very well inform about options about differents careers, courses etc and be able to create more interest in myself to make of me a better person and that way be a sucessful person in life. I think If I was still in high school I would now realized after I graduate I would have to focus on important things like my professional life to build an excellent career to reach the goals I set myself for and that way also I would more mature and have responsibility for what its good for me.


Knowing what i know now, the number one advice that i would give myself without a second thought would be to do everything early! no procrastinating what so ever! There were times in my senior year that i would write essays the night before it was due. That's a BIG no no in college. Another life saving advice that i lacked very much in my senior year is the art to prepare. You cant just jump out of a flying plane without a parachupe! you must see where your going, equip yourself and then execute, it will make your transition and your life so much easier. And of course staying focused on my goal will be another little tip that i would wisper to myself whenever times get hard. :)


In high school I was a very immature person I was raised in a very sheltered environment; I was blind to the reality of being an adult, and the hard reality of life. I moved out of my mother?s house on my eighteenth birthday, and I walked into this world not knowing what to expect. In college I experience many new things some were good, while some were also bad, and if I had the opportunity to go back in time and tell myself anything I would say, ?Hey! There are a lot of hard times ahead, but keep your head up, and do not slack off because it will be worth it in the end.?


There are several advice that I would give myself if I could talk to myself as a senior in high school.The main advice would be to know whats proirties and stucking to it. For example: Having homework or a paper due but didnt do it because you went to party. " we all have done it" Those types of habits come from being so use to doing that, knowing whats proirties and sticking to it. Its so important in collgege because you want to do well and graudate. Thats the one advice I would give myself because being in college is way more intense than high.


When thinking back to senior year, I can remember lots of stressing out, test taking, studying, and deadlines. Today, I always think about how much I worried that year and never took enough time out to reward and let myself know, everything will be alright. Senior year I would constantly be telling myself I had to be of equal value or higher as my sisters. I would always think I couldn't fall in a lower category. The day my school of choice told me I needed to go to community college for two years before coming to my guaranteed spot at their school, my heart dropped. I was at a lower level than my sisters. But today I'm glad it all happened because I love my school and I'm finding out through time and classes what exactly I'll declare my major as once I graduate my last year at school. All the stressed out nights could have been lived without if I just would have not worried about being like my sisters.


If I had the opportunity go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I don't think that I would. I might have encouraged myself to do as I had done, for if I had done anything differently I would have missed many beautiful experiences that taught me much about my life. I may have saved myself grief but I think it's best to let life play out without interference. The year that I would have been a college freshman, I was a senior in an online high school. I decided to work at a Rape Crisis center as a community organizer. I learned about the suffering of humans and how they can be helped. I learned more about myself than I would've imagined. I developed a strong sense of justice and longing to spread compassion to all humans. I cherish the lessons I learned and would not change them. That being said, if I could talk to my senior self, I would opt out. There is nothing I would've told myself as it would be pointless to tell myself to do as I would.


When I was in my senior year in high school I was dying to go to college, this didn?t allow myself to enjoy my senior year; if I could go back, I would advice myself to enjoy my senior year as much as possible. I mean, when it came to homecoming events, dances, and including prom, I didn?t participate because I thought that it was too childish, I just couldn?t wait to graduate and go to college. Now that I am in college, I regret not enjoying my senior year; everything is so different, and time-consuming that it doesn?t allow you to do anything. I mean in college you don?t even have time to go to a dance or a night club, all there is to do go to school, study, do homework, and/or finish a project. If I could go back and advice myself, I would advice myself not miss a single dance and/or a single senior activity, I would enjoy everything like I never enjoyed it before.


I'd pass on the opportunity. For better or worse I wouldn't want to chance changing who I am today and the experiences that I've had that I cherish. That isn't saying I haven't had my share of heartache, but without those mistakes I'd be less of a person than I am today. If I had to, I wouldn't give advice, I would just say not to worry and that everything will be alright.


You can get all A's. Lets go for it.


If I could go back and have a conversation with myself as a high school senior, there is plenty of advice that I would give myself. I'd give myself lectures going from relationships to first job experiences, but most importantly, I'd hand down valuable information about school. I'd tell myself to grow out of my procrastination. I'd tell myself to save every dime possible and to take school and life way more serious, because school is such a crucial part of life. I'd tell myself to pick a major sooner than later, at least within the first year. I'd tell myself to ask dozens of questions and that the internet is one of the best resources at your disposal. Abuse it for the information that it offers and use any school's best resource: Counselors. They offer some of the best advice, motivate, and they actually want to see you graduate. My final advice to me before I had to go back to my time would be to maintain your own motivation and stay focused, because life is a journey with so much to deter you, so don't lose sight of your path.


If I can go back in time and tlak to myslef in senior year I would probably encourage myself more and be more serious about AP tests so when I transfer to any university I do not have to pay for those course that I already took back in High School. Also, I would tell myself that since I ran track to be better so that college coaches could talk to me and offer me any type of scholarship. Being able to talk to my past would make my future a better one.


I would probably look at myself and give me a nice long shake. I'd explain that college isn't scary and it isn't the end of the friendships I've made in highschool. In fact not only would I make new friends but I'd create many new memories and silly moments as well with both old and new friends alike. College life isn't just about jumping the books but making friendships as well because study groups not only help but they'd make studying for a big test a whole lot easier. Dont buy college books but rent them instead online, unless you need the book towards your proffession. Take it easy but don't slack, the teachers actually want you to learn the subject so what they say is very important. Read from the powerpoints they make understanding the lesson much more easier. College life isn't so bad at all, nothing like the movies its just you growing up and earning more responsibilities so enjoy it and don't overthink everything. When in doubt ask an older student they're always more than happy to give in some good helpful tips.


Don't take life for granted. Everyone says college is supposed to be the time of your life but the more you take that for granted the less fun you will have. When you say you want to leave, think about it. I mean really think about it. Yes it is awesome not to live with your parents breathing down your back but do you think you are ready to be on your own, COMPLETELY alone? Most of the time the answer is no. Be ready.


If I could go back in time I would give myself lots of advice regarding college life. Most importantly, I would make sure that I knew that if I apply myself I could do it. Financial help is available and everyone will help you study and get through it- professors, faculty, and peers.


If I could go back, in senior year i'd tell myself to be a little more driven and focused. I slacked off slightly and now realise how devastating that was. I'd have probably tell myself to research more on scholarships, Universities, and work on getting better grades because it's hard to get any scholarships when you are and average student.


If I could go back into time as a high school senior, I should've known to listen to the many teachers and advisors telling me about college life. They kept telling me, as well as other high school seniors, to keep applying for scholarships. Back then, I didn't think it would matter, but now as a college student, I've realized it does. College classes are super expensive, not to mention, textbooks! Each semester is over a couple thousands of dollars and it is saddening to know that I don't have that much money in order to graduate in time. I'm glad there are millions of scholarships to apply for, but I'd wish I did it as a high school senior.


I would tell myself that u have to work harder, and that I should applied for college early, to raise my G.P.A, to get a job, should take more honor classes. Should turn in more of my community sevice hours before graduation.


Our teachers and parents try to prepare us for that next step ? college. No matter what anyone tells you, until you experience the hundreds of minute changes that come with the transition, none of what is being said will make any sense. One big change that happens gradually is the ebbing of friendships. While it is important to interact with other people and to develop friendships at college you have to find ways to connect with your friends without spending huge amounts of time ?hanging out.? You and your close friends will vow to stay in touch as you all leave for fall classes, but there is little time for visiting if you are truly focused on your studies. Be ready for a change in yourself and your friends. Talk with your friends about how you are going to feel about the changes that are coming before you all leave. Be sure you all have Facebook accounts and have ?friended? each other. Get an unlimited TEXT messaging account, that?s your lifeline to the outside world. And most importantly, learn to be an encouraging friend, college will throw enough negatives at you, you need friends to send you uplifting thoughts.


This is actually something that I have thought about a lot. During my senior year in high school, I was completely clueless about how college functioned, and if I even wanted to go to college. Every time my high school would have an assembly in the auditorium about college and universities, I would always zone out and instead, think about what I would be doing after school that day. Money is an issue in my home so I never expected to ever attend a college. Advice that I would give myself would be simple: start early. I enrolled in my college about a month before the semester began and I literally registered for classes on the day school begun. Luckily some classes were available and my journey begun. I was in college despite all the doubt I had. I wish I would have applied to scholarships earlier but I didn't and that's the only thing that I truly regret, but I finally looked past that. The college life has been treating me pretty good so far and the transition went over well. My final advice is that it's never too early to be prepared.


One of the main issues that high school students face while transitioning to college is that the student believes that he or she can simply "get by" with minimum effort. Most high school students dream of nothing more than graduating, and believe that life will be easier once they escape the stress of public school. Then, when these same students enter college, they apply the same priciples and attitude to college level work. This ultimately leads to academic failure. If I could go back in time and speak to myself as a high school senior, I would give one piece of small and simple advice: "Do NOT settle for anything short of your best!" This unassuming bit of advice seems like common sense from where I stand now in life, as a college sophomore. However, high school students tend overlook important academic milestones and instead focus on their social surroundings. When a student completes a task without applying all he or she has to offer, the student will likely experience disappointment. When this same student strives to exhibit his or her best work, only personal gain and positive recognition can result.


Study hard. Focus. Do not procrastinate, please. Talk to your professors, they are there to assist you. Become more involved in clubs and school events, not only will you make new friends and become part of a social network but this will make for a smoother transition to college. Dedicate some time to service learning, choose a location where you believe your passion could be. Not only will volunteering benefit your community but it will also make you learn more about yourself. Sometimes, more often than not, you will encounter a few speed bumps, frustration, stress, deadlines that need to be met, or juggling other responsibilites, but I can not stress it enough, do not for any reason give up. Think of what lies ahead, think of where you will go once you pass those speed bumps. At one point or another, you will arrive at your destination. If you really want to accomplish your aspirations, go for it no matter what. Be an all around student, do your best in school, socialize with others (including your professors), be an integrated member of your community by volunteering, and most importantly above all, be motivated enough to accomplish your goals.


Back in high school, money didn't really mean anything to me. Sometimes I had some and sometimes I didn't, but it didn't really matter because I didn't have to deal with the urgency of making ends meet. After I graduated, entered college, and completed my first semester I didn't start understanding money until after I found a job. Suddenly it was insurance payments, car payments, course payments, book buying, art supply purchasing, buying gas, essentially everything that I needed I had to be able to fund on my own. Honestly, I wouldn't really have it any other way. I like being responsible for me, and I do not want my parents to worry about paying for me because there are three other kids they have to think about. If I had the chance of meeting up with myself back in senior year, I would strongly encourage myself to pursue and research as many scholarships that I could qualify for. I'm not sure I would have listened back then, because my parents told me the same thing, but that is exactly the advice I would give to myself.


I would tell my past high school senior self just a few things. First, I would tell her that college is a challenge but she should stay focus and do her best no matter what. Secondly, I would tell her to do Chemistry and Physics. I had much difficulty in getting a high grade in Physics and also I do not know if I would need Chemistry in the future. Therefore, it is better to be safe than sorry. However, I presently have problems with financial aid so I would tell her to get a job and save every penny. Also, I would ensure that she understands that she must try to fill out every scholarships that she could find to pay for her classes and books. Lastly, I would tell her that if she does not necessary need her textbooks for the rest of her college year that she should rent the book instead of buying it. I would save her a lot more money. In conclusion, I would tell her that I hope that she heeds my advice and good luck.


Hey whats up Chris, I have alot to say to you but dont have enough time. So ima give you a quick run through of things I have seen and things which were shown to me about this world you are about to indulge in. First , No one is out there babysitting you! its all on you now, if you need help you go seek it. Highschool is done so break all those old habits because they wont work here. Remedial and College Prep classes do not count towards your degree so know that! In college most of your education will come from YOU outside the classroom, the classroom is only there for discussion and teacher insight. TAKE Advantage of your knowledge and Master your skills, this is what college is there for to sharpen your educational knife for the battle which Life brings.


It's college time now! time to work now and play later the advice I would give myself would definitely be to take notes in class. Taking notes in college can be a very important thing so that you can remember everything that happened that day and so far on. You would always want to be prepared by studying and taking notes for the next quiz your Professor is going to confer. The next thing will be to conjugate your time in clubs and organizations on campus. Doing this can give you a good luck once you get your degree and go on to pursue your career. It would even be a good look if your transfering to the next university.Talk with your advisor at all times to be sure that you can get into the appropriate course for your chosen career and other things such as tutoring because you might need help in a course that you can't get familiar with. So this is the advice I would give myself remember to work now and play later.


There are many things i would tell myself, the most important being 'study hard now, go out and have fun after you have ur degree'. Studying now will provide a sound foundation and routine on which to guide the rest of your post-high school career. Dont take it easy as is the social convention and leave the parties for later. Knowing what you want to do is also something of importance. The advisors for me have been very useless, as they just wanted me to take extra classes that did not apply to my major. Having a Career Plan-o-gram and a transfer list with the classes required by the choice schools is the only guide needed, not the advisors. Work as little as possible as it will definately get in the way of your studies. Money is needed to pay for the classes and personal expenses, so apply to as many scholarships as possible, because work should be the last resource; and if work must be acquired, find it in the field that you plan to major in even if you have to do the basics, it will help for the resume.


I would say to myself: Don't worry, be happy!


Assuming that i could go back in timeand talk to myself as a high school senior, i would tell myself: "Yvette college is a totally different life from high school life, its has it's pros and cons. Their are professors that will not chase you around and make sure that you complete your assignments, it's up to you to make sure that you get the assistance that you need, because there is just so much that they can do for you. Although, college is very fun a times and has a lot of attractions like parties, and making new friends you have to decide when to make all of that come to a stop and get down to business. Expect to have long nights stay up studying and doing homework, because to want to excell in life."


I would tell myself to always pay attention in class and write down the important things that were taught in class. Always get to class on time, doing what is necessary to achieve the best grades in class. Whenever I have a question not to think twice about asking just going for it. Always do the extra credit assignments even though it is not needed to be done. Never miss any days of class. To help others with school related things cause it's the right thing to do, also they may help you when you need it also. I would remind myself to keep my eye on the prize (which is to one day become a vet) whenever I felt things are getting hard in class, any time of doubt or hardship in my life while attending school and to remember things will get better to do what needs to get done. The transition is a big one mosly because you have to become more self motivated for your studies and attending class, and to do that I would tell myself to think about my future how much brighter and simpler it would be with a great education.


DON'T DROP OUT OF SCHOOL!!!! The significance of an education is priceless. Graduating High School is not the end of an era, but the beginning of the rest of your life. It's the door to your future, an education will help you distinguish from bad choices, decisions, mistakes, and embarrassments. College is the ground to start building the structure of your life, and the life of those around you, including a future family. You are the architect of your life, you design, and build what you want out of your life. Nobody else can do it for you. College is part of the blueprint for your structure. They say time is money, but no money in the world can buy back the time one has lost. So, I would say to miself, "Stop complaining! And stay in school! It's your ticket to a better ride than your parents ever had. Make them proud!"


What I would give to re-live the last year of high school; to be able to follow my own advice. I would tell myself that taking the easy route is counter-productive to overcoming the challenges of college life and succeeding in accomplishing my goals. I would tell myself that when things get tough or when situations are tempting, to remember the final destination that I envision for myself, and to ask how these things fit into that vision. I would then tell myself that I'm not perfect. If I fail, it's ok. I can try again.


I would definately tell myself to go out and get involved in clubs and organizations. Meeting people is a huge part of the college life, and it is something that I am struggling with right now. I was always more of a loner during High school and now I want to be outgoing and to make a lot of friends. I have become involved in various community projects now and they have all been great experiences, and I wish I would have done this before.


If I could go back in time as a high school senior, and give my self advice in regards to the information I have gleaned over these past two years in college, I would give my self the following recommendations. I would definetly have applied to more scholarships and and would have been more involved with extracurricular activites in school. Applying to scholarships is pretty self expalnatory, apllying to more scholarships would mean more chances of being able to garner money for my education and personal living costs, allowing me to focus more of my attention in school. The other less obvious recommendation would be to have been more active with clubs, student government, and so forth. In high school I never really was very active with extracurricular activites. Now I look back however and these kinds of activites could have exposed me too real world simulations such as the key club, which would help sponsor food drives, or the student government body, which is a structured system where students can manage affairs such as prom and field trips, thus exposing me to responsiblities and teamwork. These are the two things I would change in my high school past.


I would encourage my self to go to college. I did not go to college after high school and I wasted many years that I just don't get back. It is never to late and the truth is that I was not ready for college, my number one advice would be get an education and college is defenetly the way to go as far as getting an education is concerned


Lucas, your family has not had the opportunities of college level education. Life was very difficult back then for them and to have you as a son at an early age of their lives. You need to do better, you need to achieve more than what you are doing now. Look into yourself and find that determination to get into a good school and make them proud. Make them smile as you leave to an adventure that can only be described as "the best time of my life." You are so lucky to have such a family to support you no matter the cost, you need to prove to them that you are an adult and is willing and able to take care of any obstacle in your way. Life is too short, so please try harder, do better, learn how to apply, and lastly get yourself to a place where even you, yourself, will smile from ear to ear.


If I had the opportunity to go back in time to my senior year, I would do everything different. I would pay more attention to my academics, and with what I know now my senior year would have been a breeze. I would tell myself to milk my teachers for every bit of knowledge and be more attentive with everything. I would tell myslef to not take my senior year for granted , to become more responsible and know that once in college teachers would not be all over me and asking me for assigments. In college proffesors would just simply fail you or drop you from the class, and that would affect your academic standing. That is what I would tell myself . Dont screw up and appriciate everything you are gettiing now.


If there were some technological advance or old mystic ritual that would grant me the ability to travel through time and meet my former self as a high school student I would look myself square in the eyes and slap some sense into me. Although this sounds absurd to the average reader I believe that anyone who has a good head on their shoulders but a lazy demeaner would understand exactly where I?m coming from. I did not devote the proper time, energy and (most importantly) enthusiasm to the pursuit of knowledge. I was mislead to believe that doing well in school meant performing the chore of receiving good grades. If I were to find myself, I would explain that education is a privilege and the key to living a fulfilled life, professional or otherwise. The act of obtaining and retaining knowledge is by far the most essential to our survival. I would make it painfully obvious through elaborate dialogue that information is sweet fruit given to us by the Gods themselves, made for us to devour shamelessly with the juices dripping down our chin and splattering onto anyone and everyone around you.


If was to go back when I was senior in high school, the best advice I would give to myself is to learn the art of time maanagement. You have more time on your hands in college because you only have a couple of classes per day. If one is not careful you will waste time and procrastinate your way to failing grades. One must be able to balance their time wisely, and don't make the workload pile up all at once. If I mastered time management better, I would have received my bachelors degree a long time ago.


If I could go back in time I'll definitively advice myself to focus on primary goals, to take a step at a time while learning how to prioritize between work, family and school. I would remind myself that life is a learning experience where I need to understand that failures and successes will make me stronger and wiser. Acknowledge that I must learn from my mistakes instead of complain about them. Learn how to embrace life. Discover ways to defeat all the obstacles in order to grow and become a bigger and better person. Most important of all, to never forget that life is too short and we must love, live, learn and enjoy every second of it.


Knowing what I know now about college I would advise myself to sign up and apply for every single scholarships that the school has to offer. I would advise myself to get a higher gpa and take the SAT and ACT to see what other options for colleges I would have had. I would've joined clubs and extra curricular activities so I could get money to pay for college. I would tell myself to study and apply myself harder with my school work.


If I were able to go back in time to advise myself about my future college life, I would give myself 3 important tips. My first tip would be to organize. In high school I wasn?t the most organized student, so I would want to tell myself f to prioritize what is important versus unimportant. Thus, avoid wasting time on unimportant tasks and work on the urgent duties at hand. My second tip is to focus. I would tell myself to focus more on my studies and put in the full effort rather than the half effort. Nevertheless my small effort was giving me A?s and B?s, I could only imagine that my grades would?ve been straight A?s if I were putting in full effort. My third and final tip would be to accomplish. I need to know that accomplishing what needs to be done is important in college and will allow me to continue undertaking more tasks therefore bringing about more opportunities for my future. If I follow through with practicing my tips this experience will then provide me with a headstart at college with already knowing what needs to be done to succeed.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would have told myself to get a job in a pharmacy so I would have more experience and love for my major. I would also tell myself to never slack off, no matter how lazy I may feel, never slack off. If I could go back I would also tell myself to stop playing around in class so much and take my grades and future more seriously. I would tell myself to get straight A's so I could be eligible for a Bright Futures Scholarship and maybe others. Being in college has made me realize how much not having a car sucks. With that said, if I could have gone back in time, I would have told myself to purchase a vehicle. No matter what the brand, just something that could run for a few years or so. I almost forgot the most important thing to me, but I guess we always save the best for last. If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself to stay in the word of God.


If I could give myself advice to myself from when I was a High School Senior, I would tell myself not to worry so much about the collage transition. Maybe I could tell myself plan I little more ahead and choose whats classes to take after the first term. I would also tell myself to fix my FAFSA Form- My Dad mistook a two for a four. That would have saved ALOT of trouble and drama form the years before. Also, to take my PS3in for a check up and to be carefull with my cellphone- having it die the night before collage started was not pleasent, nor was loosing my cellphone the first week of classes. Finally, I would tell myself to study harder for math- Collage math is hard.


Assuming i could go back in time and give myself future advice on my experience in college now, the first thing i would tell myself is to register for classes early. While transitioning from highschool to college i never realized that classes would be scarse. In my first semester in college i was stuck with time's that didn't suit me at all. I had no one to blame but myself. Another piece of advice i would give myself would be to get into the habbit of completing assignments and other activities early, as i have found out, being a procastinator in no way helps me in college. Instead of rushing homework on a sunday night trying to get it completed for tommorow class, spread the assignment out. You dont have to do everything at once, for example if you have a week to do an assignment start it as early as you can and spread it around the whole week rather than leaving it all for one sitting.


Enjoy creative writing while you're still in high school. Your current teacher, Mr. Cruz, is the best you'll have for awhile. Pay close attention in AP English; the essays you write in that class will make your essays in college English much easier to handle. Keep playing bass. You'll get to play at a church across the street from campus. You'll also have much more time to practice between class and homework. Work on your study habits. Study an hour after school for every hour you have of class. It will be a phenomenal help to you on tests, especially in your chemistry and nutrition courses. Continue studying apologetics. Your faith is going to be attacked so arm yourself with knowledge of the Word. Don't give up on God. He'll do great things with you. And don't worry about getting out of touch with your high school friends. Facebook is a wonderful thing. Besides, you'll meet interesting people and many Christians who are passionate about the faith. Remember that God loves you and has this awesome plan for your life. Put your faith in Him and you won't ever be sorry.


The advice that i would give myself would have been to put more emphasis on english.