University of Houston Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


Go for what you feel comfortable with and choose what interests you the most. Choose whether you prefer spending most of your time in front of a computer or prefer hands-on and interaction with others.


Make sure you like the campus and the enviroment around the college.


start looking for schools early like freshman year of high school early. try to meet people that are going to that school so that you can get their opinions on what it is really like because the stuff you find out online isnt always true.


Choosing where to go for college effectively deciding how the next four years of your life will be lived socially and academically, and what your oppurtunities in the future you will hold,'s scary. I understand, but in retrospect you'll find a lot of what you cared about before seems trivial when you hit indepedant life. Talk with your parents about what seems financially practical because the one thing you don't want in the part of your life is money problems, you want to enjoy and set the stage for your own "Real Life". Try to get unofficial campus tours from attending students, and prioritize what you want as far as academics, extra curricular's or social events go. However most college's will have opportunities for each, and understand that you will redefine your self once you have the chance to explore. So give your self a good basis, apply, then weigh location cost and and prestige in your field and decide. Lastly relish in the idea that for such a big decision you have a lot of right answers, it's just a matter of how you decide to live your college life.


Don't worry about running away from home. Think about where you wanna go in life not in college.


Honestly, the best advice I can give is to determine what you are looking for in a true college experience and search for a school that offers that. I would think of five things that are very important to your college experience and rank any colleges you visit or consider on those five must-haves.


There are many factors to consider when deciding which college is right for you. If the student knows what they want to study that should be the first and foremost for consideration. Then location, activities, etc. should be considered. If you want to joing a sorority or fraternity you should visit some schools and meet people in the organziations if possible, it helps you get an idea of the people on that campus. Lastly, if finances are a problem you need to see who will give you the most financial aid whether it be through grants or loans. The student should have the final decision and should follow their heart, if you don't like the school you are attending you will not succeed in your classes.


When is comes to finding the right college it is all about where you feel the most at home and the most at ease. Choose a place that makes you and your family feel comfortable and also reassuring the family that this a a place where you can excel in the classroom as well as socially. Once you find that perfect place, get as involved as you can with the people and the activities. Go to football games, wear your school colors proud and let everyone know who you are representing. Don't be shy to talk to someone because who knows if that is going to be a life-long friend in your life. Expereince everything that you can and don't look back. College is the best time of your life and you have to get out there and give it everythign you have in and outside the classroom.


Make sure that you have at some idea of what field you want to focus on so you do not waste time and money taking classes you do not need. The cost of college is crazy so make sure you have the money available to pay for it. If you need help with anything there are many services there for you to use you just have to reach out to them.


Look at the college that best fits the student, you don't want the student to have to conform to the school. I would reccomend looking early and make looking a fun experience stress free. Also don't be shy about joining in school activities you will be accepted because everyone else is looking for friends too. If you are religious go check out your religious orginization on campus.


Go with your heart. If you walk on to a campus and something does not feel right then don't go there. If you walk on the campus and you feel like you have to go here then go. By just wanting to be there will make your college experience that much better.


My advice to parents and/or students about finding the right college and making the most of the college experience is to take time with your child during their eleventh grade year or sooner to start looking at what they might want to major in and what college would be best to provide that education needed to be successful and that would be affordable. Once you have decided on the major even if you have to change it later, you have something to start working on. Next, start looking for scholarships, grants, and loans. This is a long process and very tedious. Some require essays and applications. Sit down and think about the question or theme of the essay and begin to draft what you want to say. Once you have started this process, you can know where you stand with your major, after application, what school have excepted you, and hopefully how much financial aid you have so that you can make the most of the college or university experience. If you have a positive attitude and willingness to work hard and accomplish what you set out to do, there's no reason you won't be very successful.


When it comes to picking the right university or college, it always helps to attend orientation. This gives you the opportunity to see the students that attend the school and also a chance get a feel for the size of the school and possibly the classes. Orientation also allows both students and parents to view on campus housing as well as off. During the orientation tour, you might learn about historic facts about the school as well as which building are which. Also either before or after the orientation, you as a student can get help with which classes should be taken freshman year and a four year plan can be mapped out. If nothing more can be gotten from the orientation, at least you will be able to meet other incoming freshman who like you will also feel somewhat lost the first day. The best advice though to be taken seriously if one wants to meet others on campus the first year would be to become involved socially on campus, wether it be with the Student Government, Homecoming Committee, school newspaper, or the Greek life.


If I was to start all over with my college career, I would change many things. I have alot of pointers to inform parents and/or students to make most of their college experience. First and foremost choose a University that you would like to go to, not friends or family, they could have an impact on your decision. Next, If you wanted to join a sorority or fraternity, you should pledge your freshman or sophomore year. Before the first day of class, go to the academic advisor and talk to them about what classes to take what year. It is better to plan what classes to take over the four-year window, because it is very easy to fall behind and there are a lot of deadlines to keep up with throug out the your whole academic career. Also, I suggest to take advantage of all the tutoring that a student might need. The library, the computers, etc. are there to help the students with their studies and since the students and parents are paying for all those expenses, we should use that to the best of our ability. For a very effective study session, study at the library.


When looking for colleges, actually go and search them out. You will know if it is the right college for you by the atmosphere. You will feel like you belong and will want to be there. Also, never pass up schools that are close to family, because many times you find that the school where you belong is right in your hometown. When making the most of your college experience, have limits. Oftentimes we get carried away with so much freedom that we don't set any limits. Set your goals each semester and use these goals to place a limit on how much free time you will actually have. In the short run, it might seem no fun to skip the party and study, but the only thing that really matters in college is how it affects you in the long run. That's why you are there, is it not?


I would advise students to think about what kind of experience they want out of college other than just their classes. The type of university you go to affects a lot of your oppurtunities depending on your major, so a political science major interested in active political groups will have trouble at a commuter school like UH. Cost of the institution is an important factor in the decision, but keep in mind the balance of what you are getting for the cost of what you are getting.


It is essential to research all your options when choosing a college to attend. Consider all factors: location, cost, environment, academics, housing, etc... Do your homework and make the decision right for you. Its your future so take control and make it yours. :)


Forget about social stigmas, what you hear from your friends, and traditional wisdom about things The single most important thing in finding YOUR college and having a good college experience is to do everything YOURSELF. Go visit the college, take advantage of your visit days to find out what the college is really like, not what the student recruiter sees it as. Do your own research in the universities looking at the things you find important. When you finally get to college, throw out all of your assumptions. Meet a new person everyday, find out about how they live and what they believe. Join as many interesting organizations and events as your time permits and work like you care about the cause. Explore the campus and beyond. It's your home now, get comfortable with everything about it. Eat at every restaraunt, take a walk down every street, and take a nap in every cozy alcove you find. The thing about exploration is that there is actually a point to the entire thing. In searching out all these things that are the best that you can you find, you forge your own best college experience.


Depending on the future student's likes and dislikes, I would look closesly at the social aspects among students. College seems to be easier when the ability to make friends is available. I would also take a look at the professors teaching at the college and determine the job placement among graduates of the school.


Instead of looking at the brochures and websites, speak to students who actually attend the university. SPeak to students that have personalities similar to yours because there's just so much one could do by choosing the "right" school. At the end of the day, your college experience is what you make it. Also talk to students about what interests you have and if you can identify with the school.


I recommend going to a school that is academically challenging and the campus is diverse. First, if a school is challenging, I believe the student can get the most out of the education. If school is too easy, I worry that your not learning anything new and valuable. Second, a diverse campus can open your eyes to the world. Seeing people from different socioeconomic backgrounds makes a person learn about different ways of life. Those from other countries bring their culture and prevent a student from being sheltered. Brotherhood and sisterhood is a very positive outcome because people want to be there for each other when times get tough. Making a campus whole yet unique is one of the main reasons I love going to the University of Houston.


In choosing the right college, one must never forget his or her dreams about the future. The right college is supposed to guide students to construct their path for their future, so select the college of your choice depending on what you want to accomplish and how the college would help achieve those goals. Upon entering college, learn to balance the time you have between academics and social life. Leaning too far to one side could become a disadvantage over time, so figure out how to be studious yet wise in interacting with peers who will help build your future and help you walk down the path of success.


Is there such a thing as choosing the "right" college? Some would say no, but I say yes. Colleges all offer different degrees and all excell in different departments. I believe character is built while in school. As a student, your mind is vulnerable and easily molded. Attending the "right" school could possibly make or break your career. Prestigious/recognized schools have more recognized/reputable well-known companies recruiting their students. As for choosing the right college, that I cannot help. There is not a true definition for the "right" college as everyone's wants, needs, and expectations are all different. But when choosing a college, make sure you research all aspects of it before making the plunge. I believe students should make the best of their college experience, join clubs, attend school functions, be proactive! Make college life as enjoyable as possible because it is a once in a lifetime experience and most likely the last thing you do before you move into your adult stage (marriage, work, etc.).


Talk to alot of different people about the schools that they went to. Visit the campus. Also, get as far away as you possibly can for your first year. It gets lonely sometimes , but the experience is so worth the struggles.


To find the school that works for what you want educationally, not about what the name or the experience offers. If you don't know what you want find one that is flexible. Don't worry about what type of college experience the school offers because you will have fun either way, and it's up to you to be involved. If you aren't involved on-campus then you won't have a great college experience either way.


Look for a college that is strong in the fields that you are interested in, and that offers large financial aid packages if you need them. Also see if they have good campus housing for an affordable price, and if the professors are welcoming and buildings are easy to navigate. If you're commuting, be sure to look for colleges that are close enough so that driving isn't torture every morning. Check out the clubs ahead of time so that you can find some based on your hobbies and interests! And if you're going to graduate school or professional school, make sure the school has some significant academic clout so that its an asset on your application.


Pick a class randomly and go sit in it. Be skeptical of what the tour guides say. Of course they will boast about the school. I always believed everything the campus recruiters told me without question when I was in high school. Ask the students about what they do not like about the school. I wish I did that, it would have ast least prepared me for the stupidity (for lack of a better word) of the people working in most of the administrative departments.


When chosing a college, picking one that specializes in your intended major is ideal. However, when chosing a school it is also important to consider the location of the school. You need to know what kind of city or town you would like to be in. Its hard to focus on school when you are unhappy with where you live. Some students from big cities who go to school in a small town often have times adjusting to the small town life and are not always happy with their environment. Also I would encourage students to be themselves. You will soon find out that who you were in high school may or may not be the person you want to be in college or as an adult. Don't try to hold on to fake high school friends and don't be afraid to make new ones in college. The friends you meet in college will be your lifelong friends. Find yourself while you are in college and don't be afraid to change.


Before students choose a college, they must know their talents, gifts and interests. During high school, they need to travel, go to camps, and try out different organizations and classes in order to figure out who they are. The more they know, the better they can choose. They also need to visit as many campuses as possible in order to figure out what they require. What makes them comfortable and nervous? What do their abilities require? Do they need great labs, gyms, lecture rooms, music or athletic facilities? Do they like new or old buildings? Do they want to be downtown or in a suburb? Do they need easy access to venues offered only in large cities, or do they need the quiet of small towns? Some students think they know these answers without experiencing them. They are often resistant to trying out camps and summer opportunities. They allow fears and superficial judgements to block them. Sometimes they think they can only be happy in a particular situation, only to discover they have short-changed themselves. They would save themselves from poor college choices if they would be brave and adventurous in high school.


One of the worst mistakes to make in choosing a college is to enter blindly. A student should visit the campuses he or she is seriously considering. Meet the students, meet the faculty, the advising staff, and sit in a few classes to understand the atmosphere of the school . It is so easy to convince yourself, or your child, that this school is perfect because it's famous, its's presitigious, or everyone else loves it there. College is about finally making a decision, your very own decision, about your life and what you are going to do. There is no one to hold your hand anymore and you have to start taking responsibility as soon as you can to prepare yourself for independence. Though it may be very tempting, don't pick a school because it offers you the most scholarship. Yes, finance is an aspect of your education, but it should not rule your decision. You never want to wonder what could have been. Visit the school, look at all the aspects, and decide for yourself if you belong in this college and whether you can see your life playing out there. Then, live it.


Campus visits! When a student visits a campus for the first time, a connection is either present, or it isn't. Every student has an idea of what college will feel and look like, and once he/she feels that a campus embodies those impressions, the student experience is often so positive, that they'll never leave.


Choose a college where they emphasize on the following attributes to develop during college: 1.Getting to the Point ? Professors need to teach students to get to the point and not push for lengthy essays. 2.Making Proper Presentations ? I have made a lot of presentations in college, but the professors did not show me how to successfully communicate my ideas. In the corporate world simple, effective designs are preferred. 3.Working on a Team 4.Writing a Resume ? Research the companies 5.Interviewing 6.Networking ? Building a social network online, through alumni groups or industry associations can lead to career growth. 7.Strategic Planning ? In the business world, every outcome is measured, every result analyzed. I have learned to formulate strategic plans to accomplish my objectives so that I am more focused and productive. 8.Dressing for Success ? ?Look the Part.? One of the main purposes of college is to prepare you for the real world. My personal experience is that what you learn in college does not necessarily prepare you for the future.


I think it is very important for students to make a right choice in finding college and making the most of the college experience. The process of finding and selecting the school can be fun and great experience for everyone. What can I advice to the students who are currently searching for the right school for them? I would say one of the most important things in making your choice is research. Research is extremely important since it can give you the right amount of information about the school you have chosen. You can also access the school website and ask the opinion of other students on the forum or chat. Another thing that is important is the place by itself: it's location, weather, culture, traditions. You can just go to the place that you selected by yourself, and check it out. I think that I have described several most important factors of selecting a right school for you or your child. Do not be scared and ask students who attend the school you have chosen. You need to be sure that you made a right decision and will make the most of your college experience in the future.


Parents and/or students should make a list of the pro's and con's of potential colleges they are interested in. Also they should consider the financial aspect of a potential college, and then what the location and living arrangements would be while attending. Another important factor between Universities is the various programs offered such as social clubs, orientation, tutoring, study groups, etc. Choose the college that best fits you or your child's needs to ensure the best probability of academic success.


To live on-campus, live in a dorm instead at home with parents because in that way student is able to have all the direct experience from the school. If you live with parents there is always going to be an attachment that will not make you grow as an independent person. Living by your self will have a valuable experience that will make you the person you are today. I will strongly encourage students to start looking for a school ,that best fit their interests, at least a semester earlier, in that way monetary issues can be planned out or solved instead of strugling few months earlier. Another advise is to become part of any association related with the major and if the student is good at any sport, should try out to become part of the team. In that way they are doing what they like and getting involve. Students that are totally new on campus, should register for the orientation to avoid getting lost the first week of classes. Also to become acquaintance with people that have been on campus longer, in that way the student can be aware of activities that the school does every year.


It is important to listen to what your children have to say about what they want out of their college experience. Stay in touch with your children throughout their college years, believe in them, and always let them know how proud you are of them. Make sure that you choose a college that will grow with you as you grow and will not intimidate you. College life is fun and it is what you make of it. Really dive into the experience as well as your classes. Being a college student is great, but what's not great is being a college student for life.


Ask a lot of questions and follow deadlines. When you start school, try to make at least 5 friends in each class.


Make sure you follow your heart and your dreams, not your wallet/purse!


Show them the success achived by attending the college!!


I would encouage student to utilize all the schools have to offer no matter where they attend. Just make the most of your education.


Students should stay focused and not get carried away with non-academic activities. Parents should encourage and assists students with whatever they need in order to help their grades.


visit the college make sure its the proper enviroment attend orientation apply to many schools get involved meet the administration so they can help you get a mentor time management


Keep your options open and research different schools and find out which best fits you and vice versa. As far as making the most of the college experience my advice is to get involved and be active in campus life and work hard, but play hard too!


The first step is to find a college that offers your intended major, even if you change it multiple times during your collegiate career (this step could narrow down the search!). Once you get that down, it is good to visit the school, become aquainted with what that insitution has to offer, and to meet some professors. While visiting, it would be a good idea to look for some organizations that interest you. For parents: give your kids the opportunity to make choices. Input is nice, but it's not helpful when parents come to college prepared with their child's schedule for the next 4 years.


After narrowing down choices between academic degrees a student must then decide what type of student they are and which type of experience they wish to take away from the school. Each college offers a variety of college 'life experiences' but in every college there is a particular "type/mold" of students that the majority adheres too. For example, University of Houston is known as a commuter school where many of the students live off campus, work either part-time or full, and have families to take care of. This University is great for a student who fits into that type of life style as opposed to one who is looking for a strong social community on campus. Many other factors such as strong athletic departments for the student athlete or great honors programs for the more academically serious student should also be taken into consideration when the student analyzes their personality type versus the University type. These approaches will help in choosing the right school for each student in anticipation of receiving the most out of the college experience.


you get back what you give.


I would say that they should find a school that fits their qualities and interest. It doesn't matter what people would think if you choose that particular college. Find out what the school provides, and decide what school you would be able to showcase your abilities, and improve them.


Regarding the "right" college and making the most of the college experience, I would advise parents and/or students to familiarize themselves on scholarship and financial aid options before enrolling. I would also advise both the students and the parents to look into the student's concentration of interest and decide from there. It is important for all students to understand that this is college and that they are not going to have administrative people doing everything for them anymore. The student is responsible for himself/herself from here on out. And finally, if you want to get ahead in college, do not do the bare minimum. Go farther.


I would recommend taking time to figure out what it is student wants to get out of college. Making that decision is very important for your college career. If a student is unhappy they will suffer academically, emotionally, and physically. Do not rush to declare a major, the world will be opened up to your student when they get to college and maybe they will find something that they enjoy doing more than they thought. Also, pick a practical course of study, one that will enable you to get a job after college, not something that is just easy to get done with and a fast track out of school.


Live on campus, get involved