Central Washington University Top Questions

What should every freshman at your school know before they start?


Coming into college, I thought I had everything set and ready to go. I thought I was well prepared. Little did I know I was wrong. The transition was hard. I missed my family, my home, my job. Everything was different. I was on my own. I began stressing and doing poorly in classes. It was nothing like what I had expected. So if I could go back in time to my senior year and give myself advice, the advice Id give myself would be to be more prepared. That college wasn?t easy. I would tell myself to prepare by trying to be more independent and responsible. I believe that was my biggest problem. I wasn?t ready to be on my own and I struggled. I believe if I would have prepared better, settling down on my own would have been much easier. I would tell myself to look more into the college life. I did quite of bit of looking into the educational aspect of college but never the college life itself. Prepare, prepare, that would be the advice Id give myself.


If I had the chance to warn myself about college life back in high school, I'd warn myself about about homework and and roommates. Back in high school, schoolwork was a passive activity. Minor studying and doing the minimum assignments was enough to achieve a spot in the above average class, whereas in college, without a ton of initiative, hours of outside reading, and perfect attendance, classes are impossible to pass. The other thing that I would engrave into my high school brain is to value my roommate from the moment we met. The friendships formed by random roommate assignments blossom quickly and deeply, letting yourself become friends as fast as possible and sharing one's Cup Noodles goes a long way in making dorm life easier and much more fun.


Rachel, relax! Your life is going to be great! You will have some trying times but you will come through them with more strength than you knew you had. Take chances in life. Keep singing, not because you're "good" at it, but because its part of who you are. Spend as much time as you can with your family. Love your family and your friends with all you are because in the end your relationships will be the most important asset you have, not your GPA. Enjoy the journey!


Give the opportunity to go back and talk to myself as a senior in high school I would give myself some new found words of wisdom. First off, I would tell myself that there is nothing more gratifying then receiving good grades, the sense of pride significantly surpasses any of those few moments of fun often preferred over studying. Also, dedication and self control go along way when living on your own. You have to police yourself and routinely exercise self restraint. Whether it be overcoming the urge to skip a class for no reason, or deciding to study before going out to do something social, because the habits I create during this time of my life are the habits that will stay with me into adulthood. Most importantly, realizing as you get here rather than a year later that, yes, college may be a time for social growth as well as educational growth but I have to remember that academics come first and foremost. My educational success is directly proportional to my overall happiness in life. Lastly, remembering that the relationships I cultivate now are going to be some of the strongest and long-lasting friendships of my life.


If I could go back and talk to myself as a high senior I would tell myself that college is not what you see in the movies. I would tell myself that a social life is just as important as school work, because I went through my entire first quarter of college doing only school work, while my social life suffered and I felt very alone. I know I'm a good student and I get things done but I need to step back once in a while to live my life and have fun. I would also tell myself to apply for more than a few colleges because I ended up saying yes to the first one that excepted me, which looking back, may of not been the smartest idea. Going to college was definately the right choice, but i need to find the right one. This is why I may not be at Central Washington University next year.


Write down lots of details on your roommate agreement and make sure you have a copy of it to refer back to. Don't let problems with your friends and roommate (who is hopefully also your friend) fester, but talk about what ever the problems are with them, bring in a Resident Adivisor if you need to. Have fun.


I would have encouraged myself to really experience the extracurricular activities that go along with college life. Experiencing the different sporting events, clubs, and numerous activities would have greatly contributed to my college experience. College is a once in a lifetime experience as a young adult. Even as a single parent, there are many aspects of college life that a person can experience. Don't limit yourself to the small group of friends you knew in high school and now attend college with you. Get out there and experience different cultures and groups of people. College is one of the most diverse places you can experience. Take time to get to know the different people and the different majors. Don't just settle on a major because one person suggests it to you. Take different classes to find out where your passion lies then persue it rather than hurrying through college to get the almighty degree. Because if you don't enjoy what you're doing, what's the point of having a degree?


If I could go back and talk to myself as a senior in high school I would tell myself three things: do not worry about making friends, participate and get invovled, and be open with new ideas. As a new college freshman I was nervous that I would be unable to make friends. Pretty much everyone has the same fear, however, and therefore everyone is friendly and nice to everyone else. This makes meeting people quite easy. I would also tell myself to participate in college activities. There are so many events going on that are so cool and interesting and culturally educational, it is better if I do not miss these opportunities because I may never have them again in my life. Finally I would tell myself to be open to the ideas of others. It is okay to think for oneself and question one's beliefs and ideas of the world. In fact, everyone should question and research and delve into one's thoughts. College is the time to change and experience and learn so do not take activites or people for granted, they may help shape your future self, the self you always wanted to be.


If I can talk to my high school self I would tell him to have a plan for our college career, and then four other back up plans. Also I'd tell myself to always network, shake hands, and remember names to faces especially for the faculty. Transition wise, I'd talk about how there's a lot more free time. Since Ellensburg is a small town, being involved within the school would be very rewarding and it helps make the days go by quicker. Some life skills that are VERY important for college is too be more organized and to manage the time wisely. Make use of everyday. Carpe Diem


Going back to advise myself as a senior, I would say, ?Nothing can prepare you for college. Just stay on your toes, keeping balanced of course.? At that time I felt confident, secure, and intelligent, never guessing college would bring about insecurity and uncertainty. Upon arriving at college, I?ve never felt so ugly, stupid, and unsure. I became scared to make decisions, decisions about my future, about my friends, and about myself as a person. I began comparing myself to other girls, whom I found prettier, to other majors in my field of interest, whom I found smarter, and to other freshman, whom I found more sociable. I doubted everything about myself, but came to realize I was not giving myself a chance. I had to jump into the wild and be scared, be challenged, and be brave. If I could visit myself as a senior, I would warn myself that there will be times I am thrown out into the world, and that I will never know when these times will occur, but always be ready to embrace them. During these times of change, I also need to remember to keep my balance, to love who I am.


It's intersting to think about being able to go back in time and give myself a little cheat-sheet for what college will be like and things to know, but honestly, i woudln't want to tell my high school self anything. I think that coming here with no idea what to expect has been great! It made everything feel completely new and amazing. I feel like having that knowledge prior to coming would make the experience less fulfuilling.


When I graduated high school in 2006, I never knew that my life would become what it is now. It took me three years to return to college after leaving school after one quarter. To my high school senior self, I would advise that starting a relationship right before going to college will be a very tough thing, and that I shouldn't let that interfere with my college experience. I would advise that I may not be ready for college, that I may need time to grow and become more prepared for college life, since in real life, I left college after my first fall quarter in 2006. I would tell myself that even if I did leave college, it wouldn't mean that I am a failure and that I have dissapointed my family amd friends, it just means that I am responsible enough to know that, at that time, I was not prepared nor in the right mind-set to succeed at the university level. I would then tell my younger self that college is a great experience when you are finally ready and that the experiences and friendships you gain are priceless.


be sure to have fun and do your homework.


?Die wege entstehen im gehen.? We find our paths while we are walking. These words, offered to me as I fretted my post-bachelor transition, were spoken by a German-Italian student I formed a close friendship with while studying abroad. Like the transition from high school, the transition from college is stressful: interviews to land, standardized tests to conquer and admissions committees to impress. Essentially, there are decisions and they are life-changing. As a high school student, I often felt pressured to choose my path early and let that decision dictate the consequent direction of my life. Often, I became caught up in choosing my path before I took a single step and prevented myself from putting one foot in front of the other. Over the course of my undergraduate career, I learned to take steps forward by pursuing many interesting activities: internships, part- and full-time employment, new hobbies, and volunteer work. Through climbing, stumbling and climbing again, I discovered that this further exploration of myself, my community and my world helps me to find my way through my career and my life and to be comfortable with the question ?where shall I go from here??


If I could go back in time and give my high school self college advice, I would tell myself to travel the same path that my college self had already traveled. I took 8 years off between high school and college. I not only traveled, but I was also able to identify the person that I am and to find my strengths and weaknesses. I lived a life of fun, diversity and hardships that have turned me into the well rounded person I am today. I was not prepared to enter college out of high school and probably would have failed miserably. I have completed an Associates of Science degree and am currently attending Central Washington University persuing my dream career, helping animals. If I could go back in time and have the opportunity to change my path, I wouldn't.


Making the leap from living at home with your parents to a place hundreds of miles away with a mode of living completely different from what you are used to will require a substantial amount of preparation. Besides the obvious challenge of finances, making a fresh start socially can make or break your college experience. One of the best things you can do is come to college with a positive attitude, ready to handle serious life situations, and meet people of all different backgrounds: treat them with the utmost respect. A flourishing social life will act as a bridge to the adult world, where knowing the right people will not only enhance your career prospects, but will substantially change your life for the better. In addition, scholarships can significantly ease the burden on you and your parents when they are paying for college. While they may have considerable resources already, it never hurts to save that money for future expenses such as post-baccalaureate education, or living expenses during internships which in today's economy are sometimes without pay, but can nevertheless be invaluable to your career path. Finally, never be afraid to try something new right away: plug in!


My High School senior self was single mindedly determined to major in Musical Theatre. Nothing was going to stop her. So the first thing that I would tell myself would be to not waste an entire quarter in the Musical Theatre program because you won't be able to take anything but theatre classes, you'll be in more classes than you can handle, and you'll get so stressed out that the freshman fifteen becomes a weekly experience. Take your time to decide, get your general education classes out of the way, and take a few major specific classes that you're interested in because, you may not believe it now, but you're going to come of this hating Musical Theatre. And then I would tell myself not to room with a friend because that will inevitably turn into a big messy dorm room of drama. And we don't like that.


"Taylor, stay focused!". I often heard these words coming from my parents, teachers, and friends. I always thought "why?! Theres so many other things to do senior year! There's the dances, sporting events, graduation...". Staying focused was not a top priority for me as a senior in high school, and if I could go back in time and talk to myself I would stress the importance of being a focused and motivated student. Instead of planning my outfit for Friday's football game, I would tell myself to be applying for more colleges and scholarships, and taking more trips to become familiar with my future school. Instead of worrying about my prom dress and what shoes go best with my graduation gown, I would tell myself to plan my college classes ahead of time and be familiar with the General Education requirments so I would know EXACTLY what I should expect each quarter. If I could go back, I would make myself realize that college changes my life and I wish I would have been more focused my senior year in high school. Afterall, your real life begins when high school ends.


Mac, leaving home and going to college wont be so bad. You are going to have fun and make plenty of friends. Just make sure you are open to everyone. You never know what relationship you will make. They may be helpful later on down the road. Don't forget to study a lot. These college classes are nothing like high school. You are not going to know you teachers personally anymore. Also, if you are struggling in a class make sure to get some help there are plenty of ways to do that. Never be afraid to ask questions or make a statement in class, everyone is at college to learn, just like you. When you get to finals time use the library, don't go to your room and turn on the tv (not a good idea). This is a life experence go out and make the best of it, be yourself. Have fun!!


Knowing what I know now as a college freshman I would advise myself to prepare for long nights. "Living on your own is a completely different experience," I would explain to my younger self. "Distractions get in your way from sleep. Things like friends, movies, food, and games will easily be more appealing than homework. But remember why you're in school... to get good grades and be the first in the family to graduate college."


I would give myself advice about how big the transition from high school to college really is. Being away from family and having stress is very hard to cope with and not fun when you have no one to lean on. Following this is workload, if studying was no issue in highschool it becomes just the opposite in college. It is either study or fail the class. Oh and the last thing i would suggest is to make friends!


I grew up in a very small town, graduating with just 25 other students. If I could go back and give myself advice that day as I threw my cap into the air of that old gym, I probably would. However, I wonder if I would have listened to myself... When I got to college the transition was intense for me. I realized that no longer was I a "big fish in a little pond", but just a girl in the midst of thousands of other kids just as talented and smart as I was, if not more so. Everyone was so unique; which was another immense shocker for me. I was used to the small town, ?one basic way of thinking? kind of life. The real world proved to be incredibly different. If I could have given myself advice it would have been to open up my mind. Realize how many different ways of thinking really are out there, and that I have no right to say which way is right or wrong. I would tell myself to embrace the beauty of the miscellany I was soon to experience, because frankly, there wouldn?t be any path around it.


Don't take anything for granted. High school is great, but once you hit college you are responsible for your self and you can't blame anyone but yourself for your actions. On the other hand, college life is wonderful. Set your goals, stick to them, and just enjoy the ride!


I was a very naive high school student and I would have to go back and say "brace yourself." I grew up doing everything I was told and only questioning that once in a while. I had the impression that kids were either like me or opposite of me and no inbetween. I knew about the kids who did drugs and the kids who had alcolhol and sex and I always thought those were just the "bad kids." College has taught me that each and every person has a struggle. The three most common struggles are with drugs, alcohol and sex. No one told me that when you leave the home you grow up and with that you have to deal with life. The laundry, the bills, the crazy roommate, the dishes, showering down the hall and most of all their studies. I could go on and on about what college students deal with on a daily basis. But the point is each person deals with their stresses in different ways. I have learned to accept everyone because they have a reason for the"bad things" they do. The judgements were misplaced because everyone is human and everyone makes mistakes.


As a college student I would tell myself as a senior that there is more free time than expected. There are things to do around campus and I would strongly recommend doing more things around campus to keep your busy. Also, do not spend all your time in your room or in the dining area-go out and have fun. Another thing that I would tell myself would be, do not expect to like everyone around you. If you simply do not like them, just try not to be around that more than necessary. Everyone needs their own space. If you do not like your current roommate either I would strongly recommend transferring out of the room. In the end it will affect your grades and relationships.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior about college life and making the transition, I would tell myself that everything will be okay no matter what. I remember being so stressed yet so excited for the new changes my life was going to be going through. I would tell myself that people will change drastically and the friends I thought would always be there for me, won't. I would tell myself to remember what is important and to remember that my family will always love me. Save money and only buy what is necessary, Jeans don't count. I would tell myself that I'm going to meet the most amazing people in college and that school needs to come first because those final semester grades of senior year really do matter. I would tell myself to be strong because hard times will come, but great times will too. If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself that I'm going to be just fine and to not worry so much.


Work hard but have fun. The major reason to attend college is, first and formost, to receive an education to prepare yourself for the real world. Take it seriously, don't get distracted. But remember to take some time for yourself. You may never have this opportunity again. Remember that it is also important to have fun. Take a class or two only because you want to, not just because it fits into your degree plans. Don't be afraid to make friends and work with them to help each other succeed, two heads are better then one.


My parents always instilled in me that I could be anything that I wanted to be and do anything that I wanted to do. Along with that, they also instilled in me that I need to be a good citizen. Since starting college, I have continued to keep those things in mind by pursuing my dream to be a musician. And also to continue to be a good citizen by volunteering my time as a bugler for our veterans.


I would say not to leave the studying for the last minute. For papers revise them more than two times have other people go over them. Also never be scared to ask the profesors for help if you need it. Don't let your social life interfer with your school work, manage time wisely.


If I could go back I would tell myself to exercise more to help cope with stress better and manage my time more efficiently. I just want to succeed and me going back might have made it a little bit easier to do so. I have not fully made it through school yet and I would tell myself to just do the best I can do and knowing how I have done so far I could convince myself from the past to do even better and how much I would benefit from it.


The advice I would give myself is to not get too caught up in the social aspect of college, such as partying and drinking. To do that in moderation. To study more and focus more on school because that is your future and what counts, not the social aspect of college, though that is fun and something you should experiance, but in moderation.


I would advise myself of the dangers of living in a town where there are so many police officers who would rather create revenue off of intoxicated students than help them get home. I would explain that drinking is not an option in such a place and that it wouldn't even be worth the risk.


If I could go back in time I would tell myself to make sure you know all the requirements needed to graduate. After I finish my education at Central I am planning on entering graduate school and become a physical therapist. It is no problem completing the classes I need for my degree here at Central but it is very difficult trying to incorporate all of the prerequisites for graduate school. I would also tell my self to start volunteering or doing internships a lot sooner than your junior year. It is difficult to get all of the hours needed just for the minimum requirements let a lone exceeding the expectations. By starting earlier in your education it gives you ample time to complete your hours. Also it gives you more work experience in the field you are interested in. You get that experience and feel more prepared for what is after college and ready to enter to work force.


I would share with myself that: you can achieve more than your parent have done. You are fully capable of going to college and doing well there. I know you are scared about going to college in a different city. However, you will make new friends and learn new things. It is a starting place for you, a place than will change your life forever. You are smart and can make this transition to college at this time in your life. Even though no one in your family has ever gone to college, you can still do this. You will not have to worry about the financial aspect of this endevour because it will all work out for you. You will be able to get a good job after you graduate and be able to take care of yourself, rather than being a stay at home mother and rely on being taken care of. You are remarkable at communicating with people and have a good memory. You will strive to succeed in your classes and take that drive with you, when you graduate and you will do well in the workplace. So reach for the stars and achieve your dream!


The first step in finding the right college for you and your student would be to look at the programs that the school has. I knew I wanted to major in business so my mother and I looked at the best business school programs and then we started looking at the rest of the programs as well. The campus and how it feels to you when you walk around for a visit is very important. Could you feel lost, do you feel excited as you look at the big buidlings, do you have some anxiety. If you notice you do not feel at ease at that school when you visit then it is not a good fit. Once you find the right fit then remember to get involved, even if it is doing something as silly as helping to promote a sport or something. This will help you get connected to other students and getting to know friends will help you adjust better to college life.


When it comes to selecting a college that is right for you, you must match the college with your personality and learning style. small class sizes can help both social people and non social people. they provide an opportunity to become more intimate with your proffesors and classmates. yo want to choose somewhere that you will not regret in the end. if money is an issue, look into the financial aid available from the college. colleges want you to attend their school, there is never a person low enough. if there is a will, there is a way and you will be able to make it happen. also, dont beleive what you hear from people on a whim. my school was apparently for failures, but when i got here, i found out that my school is the leading school in music and teaching grades k-12. there will always be suprises and finding them out is half the fun of going to college.


Be open minded to new expierences, and don't spend all of your time missing home and your family all the time instead try and make the best out of college. Work hard and study for tests!


As a student you should definitely get involved in campus activities. It's a great way to make friends and helps keep the stress to a minimum. If you know what your major is, pick a school that has a reputation for excellence in that field. Get a very loud alarm and try to take your classes early that way you have more free time lumped together. Also make friends with the upperclassmen. It makes it a lot easier to adjust to a new situation. Parents - Even if you don't agree with everything that your child decides to do, as long as it's not dangerous to they health, be supportive. They need you not your opinions


College is an experience that will affect the rest of your life, so it is important to make the right decision for YOU and not for anyone else. While it can be very difficult to go your own way and choose a different path from that of your high school friends, making your own mark and listening to yourself and what you personally want will truly benefit you far more than just going with the crowd. Colleges range widely from work load and reputation, to class size, activities and notable fields of study, so each is a key factor to consider. While it may be intimidating and scary at first, taking a plunge into an entirely new school and area can often be helpful in finding a new path in life, finding new friends, and really learning about yourself. Again, by basing your decision off of that of your parents, friends, or reputation alone does not guarantee success or a positive college experience, so I'd urge you to spend time researching and visiting about your options before making your final decision. The choice is yours and will ultimately affect you in particular, so it should truly be yours alone.


It is very important to visit the college before attending. Make sure to meet with professors in your expected field of study. And Any promises about financial aid should be in writing, always make sure to get exact names of all people you interact with on your visits ecspecially in the financial aid office. To make the most of your college experience get involved. It's easy to meet people if you find an on campus job, and they work really well with your class schedules!


Get involved in as many school activities as you can.


Picking the right college for you needs to be about what fits you best. Just because a school is well known or your friends are going there does not make it a good fit for your needs. Consider all sorts of things, the size you want, the placement, distance from home, what you want to study, everything. One of the biggest considerations I wish I had thought about was the town and area the college is in. If you don't like small towns, or hate big cities, that is as important as the classes offered or the quality of the professors. If you are very liberal and choose a college in a strongly traditional and conservative area you experiences will differ greatly then a school in a liberal area. If you are unhappy in your living situation you won't get as much out of your college experience. Remember you spend at least nine months out of every year in college. That means you also spend nine months in the city or town, and in the area your college is located in.


If you want to focus on your major without much distraction, CWU is a great place. People here are very friendly and they are very nice. You can meet many people, because there are not much things to do here except eat out. CWU built a gym that is very nice around last year. It is very new and fancy. Our music building is pretty well facilitated. CWU is building a new housing so they can accept more people. It is very calm and quiet place to live in, and it's just a good atmosphere to study for your goal.


Make sure to visit the college campus and don't go off of reputation. Just because other people believe something doesn't make it true for you!


I would tell parents to let their children make the decision for themselves. It is a sad thing to seea student who has committed to spending a lot of money and a lot of time in a place that they were not totally sold on. Also think about the cost of particular schools, and their childrens career path. If a transfer degree from a community college is applicable that is a great idea. It saves money and may make it easier for some students to transition to college. For students I believe that a school should be chosen on the criteria of how it fits your lifestyle and personality. Unless you are aspiring for a specific degree only offered by certain schools, go where you will enjoy your time. You have to spend four years there, not all of it in a classroom, make sure and have something that you know you will love to do outside of the classroom. Also think of your future,do not acquire $200,000 in student loans to earn a degree that will get you a job making 35K annually.


My advice would be to find a school that allows you academic and extracurricular opportunities that suit your needs. If you do not know what area of study you want to major, find a school that offers majors and minors in several of the fields you are interested so that if one does not work out, another might. Also, be sure to choose a school where you feel most comfortable. Do the people seem nice? Is the housing situation alright? Do you like the professors, graduate students, and staff? Is there a student group or club that you identify with and can participate in? College should be about discovering who you are as a person, but it is also about graduating with a degree that fits your personality, your pocketbook, and your peace of mind.


Visit the schools you are interested in to see which one you like the best.


Definately visit the college first and talk to anyone you know who attended or attends to get their perspectives.


Make sure you visit any college you are looking into. If possible sit in on a class that is in a field of your interest so you can get a feel for the professors and class structure.


College is a such a wonderful experience. It really helps you appreciate furthuring your education and to help find a future career. With that, even if you're are undecided in what to major in, it's not the end of the world! Many students either come in undecided or change their major/minor (even multiple times). So long as you apply your self and make the most out of it, College can be one of the most rewarding expierences for you! At the same time, people realize that college may not be for them, at least right after high school. That's alright too, but really when it comes down to it education is one of the most valuble things in life... so those who are given the opprotunity to go to ANY college, really think about it because you may never have the chance of that expierence again.