College Experience

Came from the bottom, now you’re here


College Hook Ups-Jess and Kate Set the Mood

HerCampus editors, Jess and Kate, show you how to get ready for that hook-up 

Tips for College Freshmen

We asked undergrads across the country who've seen it all to let us in on their worst—and best—freshman year decisions. Read on and learn from their rookie mistakes—unless you don't mind being known as "that freshman."

Cracking Girl Code and Bro Code

Editors at HerCampus breakdown the various codes separating guys and gals.

How Technology Has Changed the Game of Dating

Hercampus experts explain how technology has changed the rules of college dating.

The College Relationship Timeline

Expert opinion about the college relationship timeline from the editors at  

Best Tech Tips for a More Musical College Experience

Be the envy of all your friends at school with the best musical equipment around

No Internship? No Problem

Building your resume with an array of diverse experiences and skills has become an essential part of the college experience—but those experiences don’t have to be limited to internships. Check out these seven ways to expand your resume and make it [...]